Chapter 22

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Alex's POV

We asked Alfred to watch Thomas and Trouble whilst we collected Hazel. "Bruce what happens if she has something happen to her!?" I was panicky, who wouldn't be "should we move out of the manor and find a house?" I looked at him lovingly nodding "lets wait a while first we just finished Hazels room" I commented he nodded in agreement and grabbed my hand. "Lets get our daughter"

We walked into the hospital and went to the room Hazel was in. I walked in first sucking in a breath, laying there holding her tiny feet was my daughter. My Hazel. So innocent, I walked over and went into her travel bag and picked out her baby grow with birds on. I carefully walked over to her incubator and slowly grasped her tiny body, supporting her head and then scoping her body into mine. I turned around to see Bruce stood there staring at Hazel with admiration. "Wanna hold her?" He ran over to me and grasped her body to his tears rolling down his face "she's our baby" I nodded and gave him the baby grow.

After placing her into her clothes we signed the papers and left the hospital. After the long drive we arrived home to see Thomas in his play pen and Alfred in the kitchen, placing the car seat carrying Hazel on the side I took my sunglasses of and placed them on my head and just spoke to Alfred. I heard giggles and Bruce blowing raspberries so I assumed he was with Thomas mucking around and my suspicions were confirmed when my husband and son walked into the kitchen. "hey baby where you good for grandad?" Knowing he couldn't reply he smiled "nap time I think" Bruce slowly started rocking Thomas asleep whilst I picked up Hazel and walked to her room going to get comfy and let her sleep. "Bruce when do you want to start looking for a house?" He beamed "as soon as. I'm going to give this one to the Orphaned boys and keep the rooms the same but let them decide" I smiled proud of my husband "very noble of you hun" I placed Hazel down and watched as her chest rose and fell quickly. Walking out of her room I strolled and placed my head around the door frame to see Thomas with hands on his feet rolling around. Laughing I walked over and picked him up "come on dude it's nap time" I grabbed his favourite giraffe and placed it in his hands. Pulling his blanket up to under his arms I placed a quick kiss on his head and turned his night lamp on which projected stars onto the ceiling "sweet dreams Pumpkin" I pushed the door too so it was open a crack and then climbed into bed with Bruce to watch a film.

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