Agony || Dog Teeth short story.

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To all of you who wonder what the hell went wrong with America for him to be such a rotten apple, then you'll get a small snippet of it. Minor spoilers, but not really.

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"Jamestown, are you there?"

"Wake up, Jamestown. You have to come and play with us! You promised, remember?"

Ugh. Everything hurt.

It all felt so.. heavy. Like he's made of lead or something. Or some heavy, heavy metal.


That voice. It sounds.. feminine. Soft. Very gentle. And yet.. so familiar. Why does it sound familiar?

He groans softly.

"Jamestown, wake up!"

That voice again. Who is Jamestown, anyway? Who's named Jamestown? That's an odd name..

"Wake up!"

Something pushes into him — his arm? — and tugs, lightly. He can hear creaking. Whoever it is was shifting their weight. Was the floor wooden? "Wake up, wake up!"

His mouth feels like it's full of sand. Dry as a desert. And yet, he still pries his chapped lips open and responds. "Mmmmmm.." he hums, his tone ragged and gravelly. How long was he asleep? Was he even asleep? "Five more minutes.."

"You said that a while ago!" They wail, infantile and demanding. "Get up! You promised you'd play with me!"

His face tightens. His eyes squeeze shut, and slowly, so slowly, he opens them. He's met with warm, blindingly bright light. He lightly recoils, a heavy hand coming up to shield his eyes from the light and to soften the blow on his delicate gaze. He blinks once, twice, thrice, and the light is gentler. Less intense. He can finally get a look at what's going on around him.

He's on the floor, and something is draped over his body. A blanket. The floor appears to be a bright red wood — rosewood? — and in front of him, a child is on their knees.

They bend down to look him in the eyes. Bright green irises locked onto his own, a face decorated with a flag that he recognized as a pacific island's flag. Their face — her face — splits into a wide, gap-toothed grin.

"You're awake!" She squeals. Her happiness was infectious, and her grin was making him smile, too. But with less enthusiasm.

"I am now." He replies, voice still ragged with sleep. She giggles.

"C'mon, Jamestown! You promised you'd play with me today!" She shifts from foot to foot with anticipation, watching as he pushes himself up into a sitting position. He heaves a sigh.

His back arches as his arms come up high above his head, a yawn splitting his mouth wide open. His lips stay pulled back from his teeth, as to not cut them on their razor edges.

"Get up!" She squeals. She grabs his arm when he's done stretching and tugs with all her might, but he barely budges.

"Alright, alright." He concedes, standing up from his sitting position on the wooden floor. The world shrinks around him as he stands. When did he get so big?

"You're huge, Jamestown!" The girl squeals. What's her name, again?

"Who's Jamestown?"

The girl giggles, like he's playing a game with her. "You, dummy! Do you know who I am?"

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