Take a walk down Rosslyn Road //AU [short drabble]

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"Can you imagine living in my shoes?"

America's gaze was diverted to her friend's form, a lollipop stick protruding from her mouth as she spoke around the sweet candy. America scoffed as her eyes gave away her surprise, and she turned to face her comrade as she continued to walk.

"Izzy, I do it all the time." America exclaimed, throwing her hands up while laughing in between. Izzy, or rather, Israel, was laughing too, and she reached up to take out the lollipop from her mouth. "Really?" Izzy gave Amy a look, cocking up an eyebrow.

"Well, if you count the freedom and the ability to do about anything, yeah." Amy doubled back, holding up her hands. Israel's expression was now more nonchalant and relaxed. "But not the part where you were basically celebrating that your mom died." She added.

Israel dusted off her crop top, adjusting her glasses, and then gave Amy the look once more. "You know damn well why I rejoiced. She was a homophobic bitch and she supported that fucking terrible president of ours." She hooked her thumbs into her pockets of her ripped jeans, the chains from her belt clinking together every now and then.

"Yeah, true, but.. I couldn't imagine hating my mom that much. But then again, my mom is a liberal." Amy responded, her tone lilting and dropping as she waved her hands around to express how she felt, eventually just shoving her hands into her army pants and sighing. "Damn. And I was ready to be sensitive and avoid the topic."

"No need to, bitch's dead now, it's time to party and burn MAGA hats." Izzy gave Amy a finger gun, which Amy returned with a click of her tongue.

"Arson in the name of the worms?"

"Arson in the name of the worms, broski."

// ♑︎ ꕥ ♍︎

"Can you imagine what it would be like, to live on the run?"

Izzy looked to her long time best friend with curiosity. "Whatcha mean?" She placed the bottle of lemon flavored vodka down and passed it to Amy, who took it and pressed the bottle to her lips. She tossed her head back and took a swig, then swallowed thickly.

"Y'know, to run away and all." Amy said once more. "To just.. up and leave. Avoid everyone, live free." She took another swig of the vodka, and passed it to Izzy.

"Used to." Izzy replied, sipping the drink. "Not anymore, since mom died and all."

"That's fair." Amy answered dully. "Sometimes I think about it. It sounds.. liberating." She admitted, taking the bottle of vodka from Izzy and taking a sip again. "I wanna see the world, and I don't wanna wait. I don't want to stick around long enough to hurt people, yknow?"

"Mmmhm." The other hummed. "And I thought I was the rebellious one."


"What? Am I wrong?"


"Therefore, I'm right."

"Fine, maybe you are." Amy laughed, her gaze lifting to the stars.

"Maybe I can't see the world just yet, but I can still enjoy my pocket of it." And there she was again, being all deep. "C'mon, let's take a walk down Rosslyn road."

"For old time's sake?"

"For old time's sake. Let's go, broski."

//A/N: Inspired by interactions between me and my friend.

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