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let's hope life gets better for me lols

To them, it seemed like having only each other was enough.


Quackity rushes around in the kitchen, making loud sounds of metal, glass, and ceramic. He groans and causes more loud bangs and dings.
"What the fuck are you doing in there?" Sapnap calls from his room, his voice getting clearer as he exits the room.
"I could use the help, you know?" Quackity yells back.

Sapnap steps up to the counter and watches Quackity struggle to cook.
"You know I can't cook for shit, right?" Sapnap questions, grabbing finished dishes to move out of Quackity's way.
"You don't cook at all, but you still could lend me a hand. I'll tell you what to do. Be careful" Quackity replies firmly. Sapnap presses his lips into a thin line and stands beside him.

"Do you know how to make a salad?" Quackity asks, pulling out the ingredients from the fridge. Sapnap shrugs, "Mix stuff together." Quackity grimaces, "I mean, you aren't wrong." Quackity informs him on how to make a salad and the mashed potatoes, then returns to cook his own dishes. Sapnap asks questions as he cooks and Quackity answers every time. They finish cooking and set the dishes out of the counter.

"Smells wonderful" Sapnap comments. Quackity grins, "Thank you!" Sapnap's face falls slightly, "I helped! You cant take full credit! Thank you!" Quackity hums, "Mhm!" Sapnap rolls his eyes playfully. They're interrupted by a knock at the door.
"They're here!" Quackity exclaims, quickly setting out the plates, cups, drinks, utensils, and napkins. Sapnap chuckles and moves to open the door.

"Happy Easter!" the three at the door exclaim, bright smiles on all of their faces. Sapnap beams, his eyes locking with only one pair.
"Happy Easter!" he says back, then pulls the brunet with blue eyes into a kiss. Karl pulls away with a warm smile on his face, "Hi." Sapnap matches his smile, "Hi." Brooke clears her throat.

"Come on in!" Sapnap holds the door open and motions them in. They all walk in and immediately compliment the smell of the food.
"Happy Easter, let's feast!" Quackity order, grabbing himself a plate. He fixes him a plate and moves to a temporary table they set up for them all to eat at.
"You heard the man, let's feast!" Karl wiggles his eyebrows at Sapnap and pulls him to the counter.

Everyone makes them a plate and sits at the table. Then, they eat and discuss their lives and what they did at home for Easter. They share memories and laughs, and then they all celebrate until Brooke and Tina have to leave. Karl stays to clean up since Quackity ends up going to his own room.

Sapnap scrubs at the dishes as Karl dries them. Karl bumps into his gently as they clean.
"So, are you not upset or feeling weird about not being with your family for Easter?" Karl questions, eyeing Sapnap nervously. Sapnap hums and shakes his head, "No, not really. Today was a good day hanging out with everyone. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's weird that you're the one asking though- aren't you feeling weird?"

Karl shrugs, "Not really either. I know I should, but I've got all my life to spend with them. I've known them for forever, I'm not that upset over it. I'll see them again. You guys, I'll-" Sapnap places the plate he's washing into the sink. Karl freezes as Sapnap turns to him.

"I'm not going anywhere, Karl" Sapnap promises. Karl's eyes soften, "Okay." A moment of silence fills the air.
"Still, I've known my family for 19 years. I've gotta make up for the time I've gone without you" Karl explains. Sapnap smiles fondly, "I was right. Hanging out with you for Easter is just perfect."

Karl wraps his arms around Sapnap's neck and pulls him in. Sapnap wraps his around Karl's sweater, leaving wet hand prints on it. They share a passionate kiss for a moment, both trying to squeeze each other closer in their embrace. They pull away out of breath.
"I love you" Sapnap whispers. Karl smiles and pecks his lips again.
"I'm not going anywhere, either. I love you too" Karl promises.

Written: 11/2/21 Words: 709
omg another chapter in a row literally at 5am again wtf


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