Friday Night Bites Pt.1

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hello! enjoy this chapter! it's a long one

Chapter 5 - Friday Night Bites Pt. 1

"I'm not saying don't date the guy, I'm just saying take it slow." Bonnie shrugged.

She, Elena and Natalia were walking towards the school. Elena and Nat shared looks of confusion. Since when did Bonnie have a problem with vampires?

Natalia had noticed Bonnie acting weird all day. She had tried to talk to her about it but Bonnie refused the idea that anything was wrong. Now Bon was trying her damn hardest to get Elena to 'take it slow' with Stefan.

In canon, Bonnie was opposed to vampires, but that was because of the bad feeling she got when she touched them. Bonnie was completely used to that feeling now, and she had been fine with vampires until the night before. Did Damon do something to her? That was the only explanation Nattie could come up with.

"Why the about face?" Elena wondered.

"He's a vampire, Lena. He could kill you like," She snapped her fingers, "Snap."

"So could Enzo." Elena pointed out.

"That's different. You won't be intimate with Enzo."

"Giving Enzo a kiss on the cheek is just about as much risk as giving Stefan a kiss on the lips." Elena reasoned.

"Look, just please take it slow. Please try to think about if you really want to get involved with a vampire."

Bonnie walked away to her first class, leaving her confused friend and sister behind.

"I don't know what's going on with her." Nat said.

"Did Damon say something to her?" Elena asked.

"That's what I was thinking. I'll talk to him later."

Elena nodded and the girls continued to walk towards the school. Stefan approached them.

"Good morning." Stefan said, smiling at them.

"Hi, Stefan." Elena greeted with a smile as well.

"Morning." Natalia nodded. Her eyes trailed to Bonnie who was walking extremely fast towards the doors to the school.

Elena noticed where Nattie's attention lied and lit up as an idea came to her.

"Stefan, Nats, are you doing anything tonight?" Elena inquired.



"Great. Then why don't you two, Bonnie, Care and Vicki come over tonight. You can all get to know each other." Elena suggested.

"Sounds good." Stefan said.

"Okay! See you in class."

He and Elena awkwardly hugged and the doppelgänger sauntered away with a blush on her face, mumbling something about having to get to first period.

Stefan turned to Natalia. "Why does she really want to have dinner with us?"

"Because Bonnie's scared of you." Nat said bluntly.

"Is she?"

"Yes. I don't know why. Normally she's okay with vampires." The pair started walking towards the school.

"Bonnie knows I'm a vampire?" Stefan questioned with a raised brow.

"Of course she does." Nattie scoffed. "Didn't I tell you that?" She thought she told Stefan that all of her friends knew about the supernatural.

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