Lost Girls

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hi everyone! i'm back from the dead! i'm sincerely sorry that it's been four months but there's no better time than the present so here's a new chapter. in this chapter we have a lovely little reunion that i think a lot of you will enjoy. lotsa love!

Chapter 9 - Lost Girls

"Uhhh," was the only response Ms. Gellar received from the shell shocked Caroline.

After a few more moments of frigid silence, Damon unhelpfully started to make a ticking noise.

" Tick, tock, tick, tock. Right Dana?" He looked down at the flustered cheerleader by his side, hair brushed to the side and neck exposed.

"Okay, can somebody go explain some things to Ms. Gellar while Nat and I undo the spell, please?" Bonnie asked, a hint of annoyance in her eyes at the lack of motion from the rest of the gang.

" Spell? What in the actual hell--" Michelle began.

"Okay, come along, Ms. G," Tyler said, grabbing her arm and pulling her back up the stairs. She didn't protest because finally she had the promise of an explanation. Elena and Matt followed behind.

Natalia took a deep breath. "Right, okay, spell."

She and Bonnie clasped hands and they began to chant the spell.

"Okay," Bonnie said, "it's done."

"Lovely," Damon grinned, tossing Dana to the side. Stefan sped over to her and caught her just in time. "Brother, I'll be needing that ring."

Damon sauntered out of the cell, nobody making an effort to stop him. He wouldn't kill anyone in the house... not just yet anyways. They'd worry about him later. Right now, the most important thing on their minds was Ms. Gellar.

Everybody else made their way upstairs to the living room. They walked in to see Michelle on the couch looking bewildered. Elena held her hand and stroked it comfortingly, Matt watched them looking tense, and Tyler was yelling information at her.

"...so instead of dying, they turn into a vampire! Because of the blood in their system! Now do you understand? " Tyler shouted.

"Tyler, you're scaring her!" Elena scolded.

"She's not saying anything!" Tyler hissed.

Damon was standing by the fireplace, his face lit with amusement. "Maybe she's not hearing you. A little louder, Ty."

"Okay, okay," Stefan interjected, his handsome face wearing it's most favorite expression - the brood. "Michelle, there's a lot to explain. Feel free to ask us any questions, many of us know from experience how shocking it can be to learn about the supernatural for the first time."

She took a breath and turned her wide eyes onto Stefan. "Why was I asleep on your couch? The last thing I remember is you trying to hypnotize me at the football game and-- and him," she pointed her pale finger at Damon, "killing Tanner... how long has it been since then?"

"A few days," Stefan said softly, rubbing her back with his hand. Nat thought it was sweet how he could soothe her so quickly. "What I was trying to do to you is called compulsion. It's a mind control trick that vampires have. I wouldn't have done it to you unless I absolutely had to."

She nodded with a swallow.

"Can I go home?" She asked weakly.

"Yeah, of course." Stefan said, helping her stand up.

He, Bonnie and Natalia exchanged a look. "Ms. Gellar," Natalia said, trying to keep her voice low, "I know you're probably afraid of all of us right now but all I ask is that you don't tell anyone about vampires. Or witches. Or anything you just learned."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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