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"I see you made some good friends Dove

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"I see you made some good friends Dove. I'm proud of you." Taj turns his head to look at the girl who is already making a face at him.

"Gosh Taj...you over reacted there." She roles her eyes at him all the same time sticking her tongue out carelessly.

Taj shrugs but moves closer to hold Y/ns hand to see the very bruised wrist. "Even though I did not know he was your friend...I still had to take precautions because he was a stranger to me." She looks at him dazed. Like tranced of him being so worried to looking out for his friend, something that y/n couldn't get used to but slowly. She smiles and looks back to where Lyra and Ian have gone too.

He's still a stranger to me too...


Just as the two had planned, Y/n was up early walking down the street to the floral shop where she and Lyra would finally have a good hearty chat.

She arrived at the door and opened it hearing the small glass fishes hitting against the door when she opens and closes it. Once again she is greeted by quiet and calmness.

"Oh lord..not again." She says looking around the shop, walking to the big island counter. "This gives me deja vu." From what she remembered everything was the same. Kept so clean and neat. Y/n wondered around looking at the different flowers, plants and even succulents which was her favorite type of plant. It seemed as Lyra takes really good care of her little garden babies. The thought made Y/n laugh internally as she kept on walking. She saw a section of the shop where it led to a long hallway. The walls all white with some pictures hanging up, she thought that since she had known Lyra enough that she wouldn't mind having Y/n's own tour of the place?

Y/n did not want to go snooping but just wanted to look for the purple haired girl. Her bottom lip went underneath her front teeth as she walked down the hallway to see a room that was already open. She glided her hand across the painted wall and to the door to lightly knock. "Hello? Lyra are you in her-" Y/n tried to make her presence known but was soon taken aback by the same dark toned male she had met back at the beach. His body was laying down fully on the bed with his arm over his head. His chest was going up and down heavily panting even. The guy heard her speak the first time and lifted his arm up a bit to see who it was. His clear grey emotionless eyes stared right back at her dark honey brown ones. It seemed as the two locked eyes for more then a minute, it was happening all over again and she did not know.


She thought as to why she was so drawn to this particular mysterious white blondie in the first place. The male now sat up leaning on his arms for support. Her hair bounced slightly as her own body shifted from the hard stares from Ian? If that was his name from what she remembered.
"I-I-" she spoke but soon to be cut off by Ian's smart remarks.

"Why don't you take a picture of me sweetheart it'll last longer for ya." He retorted some what annoyed by her presence. His head cocked to the side as he was still looking at her with lazy but piercing white eyes "I can even sexy pose for ya make it erotic." The ends of his lip curled up into a sinister smirk.

He knew what he was doing and it was to mess with Y/n, whose face was quite surprised with a slight blush. She backed away from the door and waved her hands up.

"No! I'm sorry for staring and intruding on you! I thought that you were Lyra..but I am mistaken." Her words were jumbled up as she spoke and started to back away but was caught up with her ankle that was still hurting from her accident. "ACK!-" Her body moved down to hold onto her ankle that was hurting, probably from the loose footing from backing away.

Ian caught this and held onto his chin watching her the whole time. "The hells wrong with you huh? Falling because I'm Way 2 Sexy and you can't handle it all?" His figure leaned back all the way against the headboard with his arms behind his head.

self centered-

She lightly smiled "N-No it's my ankle I hurt it very badly by the ocean a couple days ago."
Y/n poked her head through the door to look at him with the smudge look on his face.

How can a man be so quiet most of the time..from what I have seen and be so cocky?

Her words grabbed his attention. "What are you waiting for then? If you are hurt, sit on the bed and be blessed with my presence." His words were bold and sarcastic with his tone deep and calm. However his face was different. It had shown a bit of concern and confusion but was soon washed away when Y/n came in the room with a limp as she sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Thank you for letting me stay here for a second." Her head looked at Ian fully. She didn't expect to see his white shirt that had a black square on it to be all wet down to his shorts. It was clearly see through as the wet cloth was shaped to form each and every one of his well defined abdomen.

"Still staring sweetheart?" The platinum blonde spoke up which made y/n look up to his face to see it was red in color.

"N-no! I was just wondering why you were all wet and-" she was cut off by him once more. "That's what she said~" He cracked a smile at her with a wink.

"Please can you be serious for one minute!" Her voice now stern as she tried to stand up but soon sat back down. Forgetting about her leg. This caught his attention once more and just stared at her for so long.

"Look I'm sorry for getting a tone with you I'm just not used to how you act..more so we have not spoken up until today, you even look so so sick with your shirt wet and face red. And I was supposed to meet Lyra today and..at this point I don't know when we will ever hang out again..Do you know where Lyra is?"
As she was rambling on with speaking to herself mostly since Ian was not listening at all. He leaned forward to look very intently at her wrist and ankle that she was holding. He was so conflicted that this seemed like an all too familiar dream he had a few days ago the same words kept repeating in his head.

This does not feel right..

He raises his eyes to look at her face and he realizes he had seen her before. Not the meet up at the beach. No.
It was more then that. He spoke slowly "How...did you say you had hurt yourself again?" His Quarreled face looked right into her innocent eyes. Y/n completely was entranced by his dark gray gaze. His mention of her accident made her feel odd. The way Ian and Y/n  looked at each other was like two investigators trying to solve a mystery. Examining features, emotions.
The two seemed to have been close in that moment in time. Both staring long and hard. The chemistry that had started to bloom slowly between the far off strangers who barely knew each other. The girl spoke up very quietly as the room echoed from her words.

"It was..dark..the ocean-.." She began to speak.

Then Shon entered the room.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

Followed by Lyra.

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