-Chapter 6-

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(Image above is not mine) -chapter 6-

    As I pulled into William's driveway, a blanket of fear was laid over me. I parked my car and got out. I walked up to the front door and hesitantly rang the door bell. While I was waiting for an answer, I looked over the exterior of the house. It was a white and grey two story house with a cute little balcony on the 2nd floor. There seemed to be a backyard but I couldn't see it because there was a fence blocking it. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. There stood a boy who looked to be around 14 years old. "Hello?" He asked impatiently. "Uhm, sorry. Is William Afton home by any chance?" I asked. "My dad? Yeah. Why?" He asked with an annoyed voice. "I'm one of his coworkers. His friend, Henry, sent me to check on him. He hasn't called in or anything." I replied. "Well. Why don't you have a look for yourself." He said, gesturing for me to come in.

    As I stepped in, I was met with the strong smell of alcohol and burnt food. 'Uh oh..' I thought. I followed the boy as he led me to the living room. There was William laying on the couch, passed out. There were empty beer bottles around him along with a half full one about to slip out of his hand. "Is he.. ok?" I asked. "Yeah. He just got in a fight with our mom last night and now has a really bad hangover." He replied. "Ahh makes since. By the way, I never caught your name. You are..??" "I'm Michael." He replied with a slight smile. But it went away as quick as it came. "Nice to meet you Michael. I'm Y/n." I said giving him a little smile. I turned my attention towards William. I sighed as I walked over to him, making sure to not trip on any of the bottles. I crouched down and gently shook him. "William? Hey, Williammm??" I whispered. I rolled my eyes at his attempt to shake off my hand. "...fine. ..WILLIAM!" I yelled. "I'm up! I'm up! ..jeez woman." He yelled back in a groggy voice. He sat up and stared at me with a confused and annoyed look. He looked like a complete mess. His collared shirt was now stained and his tie was pulled down. His hair was a sweaty mess while he looked like he was half dead. And the strong smell of alcohol came off of him.

   "Why are you here, Y/n?" He asked in a groggy voice that sent shivers down my spine. "Henry sent me. He was worried." I replied. William then glanced at his watch. "Oh shit.." he mumbled. He then looked up at Michael. "Why are you not at school?" He asked. "I missed the bus and I couldn't wake you up to take me. Plus, you probably can't even drive right now." Michael said, crossing his arms. He was right. William was in no state to drive right now. "Yes I could have. I'm perfectly fine." Guess not. "No, you are not." I interjected. William rolled his eyes as he stood up, almost falling over in the process. Me and Michael couldn't help but giggle a little bit. William immediately gave us a death glare. He began picking up the empty beer bottles. I sighed as I went over to help. "Why are you like this?" I mumbled to him. He didn't reply. He just gave a sigh and walked to the kitchen. I followed behind him, putting the empty bottles in the trash. It explains why there was a burnt smell. There was burnt bacon in the trash. I'm assuming it was Michael's failed attempt.

     I heard Michael make his way upstairs. 'He's probably getting ready for school.' I thought. "So, are yo-" I was cut off by a strong grip on my wrist. I turned my head to be met with Williams face just inches away. I could smell the alcohol lingering from his breath. "Listen, Y/n. I know what you saw. If you tell anyone, I swear you will die in the most painfully, slowest way possible. Don't even think about telling Henry. In fact, he probably wouldn't even believe you to begin with. And I hope you don't have intentions to tell the police. I know you know what a spring lock failure feels like, dear Y/n." He looked toward your arm and back at you. The same one that was littered in scars from a spring lock accident a few years ago. "ok.." was all you managed to get out. His firm grasp finally let go as he stood up fully. His tall presence towering over you. "You are more then welcome to stay in the living room until I'm done, darling." He said with a smirk, walking up the stairs, as if nothing had just happened. I sighed and walked back to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. I was collecting my thoughts until I was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I looked up to see Michael standing at the bottom of the stairs.

      "Are you ok Y/n?" He asked, walking over to me. "Oh, uh..yeah. ...I see you haven't eaten breakfast." You replied "Yeah. I was trying to make some for me and Elizabeth but I burnt it.." he said, looking down embarrassed. "Maybe we can pick something up on the way..?" I said. "Yeah, plus, dad is probably hungry too." He said. Me and Michael talked some more. We talked about a few little things like our favorite movies and hobbies. After about an hour or so, William finally came down stairs. He was wearing a black suit and vest, along with a white collared shirt and a purple tie underneath. His hair had a messy yet also styled kinda look. He was finally cleaned up and much better looking then before. Very professional. Even a little handsome. Definitely eye candy. I cleared my voice and spoke up. "You look.. nice." I said. "Thank you dear. Might I add, you look wonderful in purple." He said with a sly grin. "Thank you Mr. Afton." I said, holding back a smile. I don't wanna fall for his 'charm'. "If you keep calling me by my last name, I'm going to start calling you by yours, Miss.L/n." William said as we all walked out of the front door. "Jeez dad leave her alone for at least five minutes." Michael said. I was about to get into my car until William grabbed me by the shoulder. "Nope. Your coming with me, love. Can't have you ratting me out just yet." He said as he shut my car door and lead me to his.

    We stoped at a small doughnut shop. Once we walked in, William all asked what we wanted. "I'll have 2 strawberry doughnuts please." Michael said. "How about you, Y/n?" William asked, looking over to you. "I've already had breakfast. Thanks though." I said giving him a small smile.

    After they got their food, we went to drop Michael off at school. "Bye Michael! Have a good day." I told him as he got out of the car. "Bye Y/n! Bye dad." He waved as he walked off. "He seems like such a nice kid." I said. "Yeah, but he has his moments sometimes. He hates me, I'm mean, if I was him, I would too. There is also my daughter, Elizabeth. She's a very well mannered child. But, she can be a handful sometimes." William said as he drove off to Freddys. "So.. why couldn't I drive myself exactly?" I asked. "Because, I don't want you ratting me out to the police. I can't trust you Y/n..not yet at least. Also, your staying over for dinner tonight." He said, with a smirk on his face.

(Anddd that's chapter 6. I tried to make this one longer since the last one was kinda short. Thanks for reading! <3)-1363 Words-

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