-Chapter 16-

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(Image above is by fiorellapiedo on IG)-Chapter 16-

Henry, William, and I decided to take my car. William sat in the passenger seat and Henry sat in the back.

We pulled into the restaurant and got our seats at a booth in the back.

"God, I'm starving." I groaned as I looked through the menu. "Me too." Henry and William said in union, looked at eachother, and laughed. We talked a little bit more until we were interrupted. "Hi, welcome to /insert restaurant name/! My name is Kelly, I'll be your server for tonight. Any drinks to start?" The blond woman asked in an energetic and southern voice as she placed a basket of bread in front of us. "I'll get a sweet tea, light ice please." William said. "I'm just gonna have a water. What about you Y/n?" Henry asked. "I'm just going to have a f/d." I replied with a smile. "Ok, I'll have those out for you guys in no time. Are y'all ready to order now or later?" Kelly asked. "Just a few minutes please." Henry replied. "Okie dokie!" The woman said and walked away.

We continued to talk, but I was starting to get cold. "Hey you guys, I'll be right back. I need to grab something from my car." I said as I got up. "Can you watch my bag?" I asked Henry. "Sure." He replied.

The night breeze was cold and harsh. "Jeez..." I mumbled to myself as I walked to my car. I unlocked it, grabbed my jacket, and closed it. Making sure to lock it again. I threw my jacket on and made my way back to the restaurant, but I was stopped by someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around to be met with a tall figure. They were wearing a black hoodie with black sweatpants. I couldn't see their face. "Uhh..sorry..do you need something??" I asked. "Yeah, are you on the menu babe?" The mysterious guy said as he slammed me against the wall and put a hand over my mouth. I tried screaming but it was no use. 'Oh god...is this where I die. I just HAD to leave my bag inside. The one time in my life that I'll use that expensive pepper spray, and it's in my bag, inside.' I thought to myself. 'Fuck, fuck, fuckkk..what do I do??' I scrambled my mind for anything. "Why don't you come to my place sweetheart? It will be so much fun~" The guy said as his other hand suddenly groped my breast. In a state of panic, I bit on the hand over my mouth and kicked him in the balls. He hunched over in pain with his hands over is crotch. I quickly ran to the restaurant entrance. "Get back here you- BRAT-" the guy yelled in pain. I had tears in my eyes as I ran into the restaurant and made a dash for the restroom. Thankful it was a one person only restroom.

I kept crying. The tears just kept coming and coming. I kept rubbing my eyes, desperate to make them stop. I was on the bathroom floor, but I didn't care. There was a quiet knock on the door. "Occupied!" I yelled out. "Y/n? It's William!" William said outside the door. I got up and unlocked the door, but I didn't open it. "Y/n...I saw you run inside and go straight for the restroom. Is everything ok?" He asked. I held my shaking hand on the door knob, contemplating on opening it or not. "I- I..I got..-" I was cut off by my own sobs. William knocked, waited a minute, and then walked in. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. He didn't say anything. He ran up to me and hugged me. I sobbed even harder. "Shhhh..everything is going to be alright." he said as he rubbed my back.

We finally sat back down at the booth. I was still a little shaken up. William sat back down across from me with Henry. "You can tell us what happened whenever your ready. Or, you don't have to tell us at all. It's up to you Y/n." Henry said in a calm voice. "I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later." I replied, wiping my tear stained face. "That's alright. Since you weren't here, I ordered for you. I got you your f/f. I hope you don't mind. If you want, I can have them change it." Henry said. "No, it's ok. That's what I was going to order anyways." I said "I also ordered some /Insert favorite ice cream flavor/ ice cream for us." Henry said with a grin. Bringing a grin to my face as well.

We continued to talk and eat. I still couldn't get the event from earlier off of my mind. 'God, I hate being a woman.' I thought to myself. I was interrupted from my thoughts by a small kick on my shin. I look in front of me to see William with a worried face. It was his way of asking if I was ok. Instead of responding, I just gave him a smug grin and brushed my foot up his leg. He almost choked on his food, and started coughing. His face was red and he tried hiding it in his napkin. I held back a laugh as Henry made sure he was ok. William assured him he was. Then, he sat up straight and kicked me in the knee. I instantly pulled my leg up and hit it on the table, making it worse. I winced in pain. "Oh, Y/n. Are you ok?!" William asked with a "concerned face." "Y-yeah. Definitely." I said through gritted teeth.

Once desert was brought out, we all went back to a normal conversation. Henry brought up something about a lawsuit he received today. It was about a little girl named Susie. The name sounded familiar, but nothing came to mind. She supposedly went missing at the pizzeria today. I wasn't sure what exactly happened, but I knew it was William. I never got to watch over the last birthday party today because I was moved to the prize counter last minute. I just eyed William through out the whole conversation. I knew it was him. And he knew I knew. Sometimes, I forget he's a complete psycho. And when I do remember, it makes my stomach turn a little. But, there's just something about him that I can't seem to get over. Speaking of psychos, that reminds me of the event from earlier. Every time it crosses my mind, I hold back tears. It just makes me want to breakdown again. I sighed and sat up straight, listening to the conversation. My ears perked at the mention of my name. "Y/n, we're going to split the bill amongst us three. It's thirty five dollars each." Henry said. "Oh, right." I said as I pulled out my wallet and put the money down. "Alright, you guys ready?" I asked as I stood up.

I dropped Henry off at his house and waved him goodbye. I didn't pull out of his driveway yet though. Instead, I turned to William. "Hey..can I tell you what happened? Just..don't tell Henry..or anyone for that matter." I asked. "Of course, darling. What happened?"

I explained the story to William, and began crying again at the end. He just pulled me into a hug and played with my hair. "I'm so, so sorry that happened. If I knew, I probably would have killed the guy." William said. I tensed for a second, but quickly relaxed again. "Can I stay at your place tonight? I don't wanna be alone again." I asked as I choked on my tears. "Of course. I would never leave you alone after that anyways. Here, I'll drive." William said as he got out of the car. We switched sides and he began driving to his house.

(Next chapter will be....special..maybe...😈)

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