✭ felix

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"This is a perfect song for slow dancing."

Seated on the rooftop, your eyes moved from the sparkling city horizon to watch as Felix continued to type at his computer, soft music floating through the cool night air. A light breeze tousled his already messy, blonde hair and you caught the hint of a smile on his face as he worked. "I can practically feel you staring," he said.

You laughed, as the boy stood and silently approached you. When he reached you he extended a hand to you, his smile widening to show his adorable dimples. "Well? Don't want to let the opportunity go to waste."

His hand was warm and firm, gripping yours tightly as you intertwined your fingers with his. His smile was contagious, and you couldn't help a shy smile from pulling at your lips. He just looked so damn adorable, an oversized sweater and ripped jeans and bare face all for your eyes alone.

He pulled you close to his warm chest, triggering the flight of thousands of butterflies inside you as his forehead came to rest against yours. One last shared smile, and then he took a step.

Slowly, steadily you swayed. You let yourself relax in this moment, closing your eyes to listen to the gentle music, Felix's soft breaths. To breathe in the fresh night air and the smell of his cologne. To feel the rhythm in his steps, and your bodies moving together, over the rooftop.

You could feel the pulsing of your heart in your chest, a trickle of nerves melting into your happiness. You were both too shy for this, you thought, listening to  his light giggle that you soon mirrored. But one look at his smile again, the sparkle of joy in his brown eyes, and all you could feel was a swelling warmth inside you, that tingled at your fingers and toes, and thrummed deep inside. It was a feeling you couldn't quite explain, as your arms wound around Felix's neck, releasing another giggle from the both or you. Your fingers found themselves playing with the soft curls at the nape of his neck. Your head found itself dropping onto his shoulder, and his head fell next to yours, puffy breaths right beside your ear.

Under the pale glow of the moon, you forgot about everything. the feeling of euphoria gushing over you. to feel the light whisper of a wind  as his hands slipped into the lithe curve of your waist, pulling your body flush against his. The thrumming of your heart became the beat to which you waltzed, swaying ever so slowly before growing in cadence. Felix's hands firmly guided you through the steps, twirling you across the rooftop. The sound of your steps melting into the crickets' melody and the chorus of all kinds of nighttime critters before joining the soothing voice of the summer breeze.

You danced under the stars for what felt like hours, feet never growing tired as you continued to sway. It was the closest thing to a perfect moment; your fingers tangling into his messy hair, he pressed a few of his own to the bridge of your nose, causing the thrum of your heart to jolt and stutter. The feeling was beyond words; your heart dropping in your chest .that reminded you what it felt like to really be alive. You never wanted the dance to end. You clung to Felix, leaning against his warm body, listening to his heartbeat matching yours.

When had you first realized your feelings for him? It was hard to pinpoint, but somewhere along the way you'd realized that every smile held oceans of warmth, and shared glances had your heart beating way too fast.

His face was nestled in the crook of your neck now, and his murmur was a whisper clinging to the winds. "I love you so bad." His hands around your waist tightened their grasp, and his thumbs stroked your sides gently. Raw emotion caused his voice to tremble, as he breathed against your skin, "So fucking bad."

You were growing lightheaded, barely able to breathe at the sound of his voice, the break in his tone. His skin against yours gave you goosebumps, and the light brush of his lips as he repeated the words made it even harder to think of a reply. "So bad"

You didn't doubt a single word. He loved you. Loved you.

Back then, you hadn't realized what love felt like. And even now, whenever you tried to explain it, words failed. This deep of a love wasn't something your could describe. It wasn't even something you felt. It was something you just knew.

He didn't notice the way your eyes were shining in the moonlight, faint tears sparkling with a light they'd never known before. Your feet stilled, and both of you stood in a beautiful silence only penetrated by each other's rhythmic breathing. Your arms still around his neck, his head leaning into your touch. He tightened his grip on you, if that was even possible, and it was such a warm feeling. Someone's arms had never felt so much like home.

He leaned back at last to look at you, and his smile said everything. You didn't need to tell him with words; he already knew. You loved him, too.

So bad.

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