REVENGE or is it?

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Hey guys! I have to say that this story I personally don't think is good but I'll continue because I have to try.Also its Au, which was very obvious but i felt the need to point that out.


"Are you ready?" asked Piper.Her and Reyna were currently at Aphrodite's temple plotting something that Reyna didn't even know why see agreed to it. It was horrible ans sounded painful and Reyna didn't even know why she agreed. "Oh, stop with the looks it's just a little makeover." said Piper with a dazed look in her eye as she saw all the accessories, clothes and shoes that were available to her. "Exactly! I don't know why I even let you do this! And where did this hardcore Aphrodite Child come from! Did you just magically conjure her or has she been in hiding!?!?" exclaimed Reyna with a slight hysteria. She hadn't dressed up or had a proper makeover since Circe's Island, and she was very nervous. She also wondered if Leo would even notice Phase 1. She wasn't much to begin with so how could she be enough now, even with Piper's help?She also wondered why she was doing this, she wasn't the type to dress up and get a makeover for some guy. She was stronger than that, but Leo was different. He knew pain just as she did and even if Aphrodite said no demigod would heal her she hoped that it would be Leo. Then she thought how teenage loves didn't last, but she though that just maybe her and Leo could over come that. But now that she thought about, why didn't she just try to forget. Not just Leo, but everything that has to do with the, no that was ridiculous thinking. You can't change what you are.
"What's that?"asked Piper.
"What's what?"Reyna responded .
"Your face, it's being weird. Stop it. This is going to work. My mother may be a goddess but she doesn't know everything. I will only believe something about tge future with absolute certainty if the Fates themselves come and tell you Leo and you aren't ment to be togther."
Reyna laughed, but a bitter one that lacked the beauty of her real one, which was hard to get out of her. Everyone had trouble with that,except for Leo, but was this really worth it? She'd dealt with pain before this was no different. She'd heal, she just needed time.
"I think that I'll just let Leo go sleep with the whore. I need sometime to myself to recover and to figure out all tge craziness,you know?"Reyna said as she looked up at Piper.Said person looked close to arguing before studying the look upon Reyna's.
"Fine,"she said while letting out a sigh before suddenly forming a gental smile upon her face, "that however does not mean you woby show him what he missed. Think of this as findibg yourself, or in better words remaking yourself. You want to find yourself?Fine, I'll help you, just because we're demigods who fight for thier life doesn't mean that we can't look good while doing that. We are after all demi-goddesses".

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