What happened?

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Disclaimer- I do not own the pjo/hoo series, Rick Riorden does.

Piper's P.O.V

Ugh. I can't believe Jason. I thought he loved me but, I guess not since he's jealous of the mere idea of his almost ex-girlfriend Reyna and his best friend Leo dating. Honestly how stupid can he get. Arggghhh. Then my anger turns to sadness. I mean I loved Jason I gave him my heart and this is how he repays me. I start sobbing and sobbing. I look up and see a figure that looks like Jason. I'm not ready to deal with this right now. I stand up and start to walk towards a fountain were Jason won't be able to see me. I'm at the fountain for my own for while, so I start to take in the scenery. It's a typical cliché fountain were couples kiss, there's also a couple of beautiful flowers and plants. It's honestly beautiful and romantic. "Piper" I hear someone call my name, thus breaking me out of my thoughts. I look in the direction were the voice came from and see Reyna. As much as I want to blame her for my problems with Jason, I just can't. It's not her fault, it's that idiots Jason's fault. I take a deeper or more thorow look at her, I guess, and see that her eyes are puffy and red. Oh, no!!!! What did the idiot Leo do? "Yes Reyna. What can I help you with?"

Reyna's P.O.V

I quickly left to go see if my theory is correct. I find Piper near a beautiful scenery. But I see that her eye's are tinted red like she had been crying. She also has a distant look in her eye's. I call her name and her head snaps at me. She looks at me like she hasn't seen me before. She then says " Yes Reyna. What can I help you with?" At the same time I ask if she's okay. "I'm fine." she says. "Piper, I'm not stupid and I'm a master a façade. You can't fool me. She sighed and then she told me what had happened between her and Jason. Wow. That's all I can think of. The old me would've been bouncing with joy but, things have changed now. I love Leo, now. But I don't know what's going on with him right now. Anyway, she then ask me why I'm here. I then tell her what happened between me and Leo. She whistles and then says " I guess we both have boy troubles huh.'' We both then laugh, a humorless bitter laugh. "Enough sulking though I think that we have to do something" I tell her. She stares off into the distance and then her eyes light up, signiling to me that she had an idea. "Well we both still love our idiots but I think its time for a little revenge don't you think." I raise an eyebrow at her, asking her what she has in mind, and by the evil grin she had I could tell I was going to like it.

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