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Chester pov :)

I was sleeping peaceful in my bed, when I realized I had school, It was coming up in a few days and he had forgot to get supplies. He ran down stairs to ask his mom if he can get supplies. "Hey mom is it OK if we can go to Walmart and get some supplies for school?" Chester said nicely to his mother. "Ofcourse I almost forgot to get them for you sorry but sure we can go get supplies for you!" His mom answer

                        Parker's pov

I was sleeping until I heard my phone ring. It was mom she went to go workout she would be back until 9pm... "Hello?" Parker said softy because he had just woke up. "Sweetie  did you remember to put the meat in the pot so I can cook food?" His mom said. Parker froze when she said that, He had forgot to put it in the pot to boil it. He had to think of some way he can lie to his mom so he won't be in trouble. "Uh yea I did its boiling  right now." He said nervous. "OK that's good news well I won't be home 6pm like the usual time OK love you." Mom said while hanging up.

   (Time skip to the first day of school)

                      Chester's pov

       I'm sleeping when my mom calls my name to come and eat breakfast. "Honey breakfast is ready come down and eat." Mom said from down stairs. I ran down stairs because I wanted to get to school early so I can get settled. While I'm eating my breakfast I got a text from dad telling my to have amazing day. I smile at my phone. I look at the time and it was 5:30 and school starts at 6:30. I grab my stuff for school and kiss my mom goodbye. "Goodbye honey."

                       Parkers pov

I woke at like 5:30 I was hoping to make up at 4:00 but it didn't go as plan. Anyways I got up and got dressed I got a white shirt and grey sweat pants. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair. After that I went down stairs to my dad on his phone. "Morning son." Dad said in a tried tone. "Mhm." I didn't really answer him because I was tried. I skipped breakfast because I wanted to get to school early. I get in my car and drive off.

                         (Time skip)
                     Chester's pov

After a while of walking I'm at school and get inside but I saw this cute guy. "WAIT CUTE?" I thought."did I really think that?" I just forgot what I said and just went inside. "Good morning." I said to the teacher. " Morning." I sat down and got my stuff out. A few minutes later the same guy walked in. "Hey mom." He said to the teacher. "MOM?" Said under my breath. He looked at me and winked at me. My face turned  bright red. I covered my face with my hands and look at the sit next to me. HE SAT NEXT TO ME?

                        Parker pov

I saw this kid he looked cute so I sat next to talk to him but it looked like he was turning red. So I just looked at him. We made eye contact and he had beautiful eyes. It's like I wanted to kiss him. "Hello?" The cute guy said. "Oh by the way you are really pretty eyes." I said quiet. I think he heard me because he was blushing. "Um hey whats your name?." I asked. "Oh its Chester." Chester said. "What a cute name." I said looking at him with a smile on my face. "U-um thanks." Chester said blushing like crazy. "What's your name?" He asked. "Oh it's Parker." I responded.

                   Chester's pov

Parker huh? Cute name for a cute guy like him. "So do you wanna be friends maybe?" I asked Parker. "Sure I would love to." I wanted to kiss him so badly but I was scared he might think I'm gross.

691 words

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