Sleepover ;)

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                        A little smut

                       Parker pov

As I got done with school I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I heard my phone go off and I went over to my phone in my boxers.

Blondy <3

Chester -Hey is 3:50pm OK to come over?

Parker- Sure see you soon cutie

                       Chester pov

After I stop texting I went to the bathroom to take a shower so a can smell good. After I was done with my shower it was already 3:45pm. So I got my clothes on the got in my car and started driving.

Cutie <3

Chester -Hey I'm coming over. I'm about 5 minutes away.

Parker - OK I'm in the shower right now the door is unlocked. Just let yourself in.

Chester -Ok thank you

                    Chester pov

I get there at 3:50pm. "Right on time." I thought. I get inside because he said to because the door was unlocked and he was in the shower. "I'm here parker!" I yelled so he could hear me

                         Parker pov

I'm getting change and I hear Chester telling his here. "Coming!" I replied. I run down stairs and hugged him and spined him around. "Well hello!" Chester said surprised. "Well I missed you t-" Chester got interrupted by me putting my lips on his. I'm kissing him while I put my hands on his hips and moved to his butt. He pushed are lips apart. He looked at me with his sunglasses on. He smiled and put his arms around my neck. He put his head on my neck and started kissing it softy. I picked him up and went to the couch and sat him on my lap facing me. "Parker can we watch a movie." He asked nicely. "Of course sweetie."

                       Chester pov

I off his lap and got the remote and picked a movie. After a few minutes I looked over and saw Parker sleeping. He looked really hot sleeping. "Parker get up let's to bed." I said quiet " hmm ok." He got up and went on the bed. "Um Parker not to be annoying but do I have a bed to sleep in?" I asked "No but you have one right in front of you." He sat up and grabbed my hands and pushed me down on the bed. "This is your bed now." I start blushing like crazy. I turned around and I felt hands on my hips. I WAS CUDDLING MY CRUSH. He never asked me to be his boyfriend. At 2am I tried to get comfortable and I start moving close to his cock. I didn't mean to moving my butt close to his cock. He woke up and looked at me. He started blushing and looked down to see a boner. I felt something stick into my ass.

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