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                       (3 weeks later)

                       Chester's pov

It was lunch time and I was sitting alone outside. I knew that no one didnt want to sit with me. But I was wrong..."Hey Chester can I sit with you?" Parker looking at me with his brown eyes. "U-um s-sure." I couldn't stop stuttering it feels so good to talk to him. He sits next to me and talks to me. But I don't hear a a thing. "Hey are you ok?" Asking me putting his hand on my face.

                        Parkers pov
I try to move closer to Chester. Because I got feelings for him but I was to nervous to tell him. "Chester are you ok?" I asked.... "Chester?" I look nervous " Parker i-." I look at him he started blushing like crazy. I notice he was blushing so I took the chance to kiss him on the cheek. "Chester are you OK?" With out a second he gets on my lap and startes kissing my lips. I really liked it I pushed him a little and he looked at me confused "Chester are you ok with this?" I asked holding his thigh. He nodded while smiling. "Parker I love you." Chester saying that while put his head on my neck.

                     Parker pov

I kiss him right on the lips and he was surprised. But he liked it and wrapped his arms around neck and push closed to me I pushed the away and started kissing Chester neck. "P-parker lunch i-is over." Chester talking trying to not moaning. Parker got up and helped Chester up and gave him a another kiss on the lips.

                      Chester pov

After me and Parker made out I wasn't focusing in class and just thinking about how good it was. "Chester what's the answer?" The teacher asked. "Uh 42?" The whole classed laughed. Chester started putting his head down. After school he saw Parker and started blushing. Parker winked at him and whisper to me to meet him at the back of the school. After a few minutes and I still don't see him. I feel hands around my waist  and it scared me a little but I didn't move. I looked around to see Parker he start to kiss my neck I try not to moan but a little came out. "What was that." Parker said a little surprise. "I-i didn't mean to." Parker put his hands on my hips " Hey Chester you wanna maybe come over to my place tonight?" "Sure I would love to."

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