part thirty-four

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For the rocky start Ava had going in to the spring season, things were finally settling down. The girl has been in and out therapy treatments, finally talking about the events with a professional. It hasn't been an easy process to unveil all the events and now bring her feelings into the mix. She's learned how certain events trigger actions and habits.

But JJ has been by her side the whole time. From the day he found her in April, to now, in the hot sun of June. Underneath the sun, there is no darkness in sight. The storm is in the past. Everyone is finally moving on with their lives.

"Hey, babe." JJ rolled over, wrapping an arm across his girlfriend's abdomen.

The two have been sitting on the beach for the past hour, soaking in the sun and cooling off in the water. "Hello, JJ."

The boy lifted a chicken nugget to her lips, allowing a small bight before shoving the rest in his own. "I love you." JJ layed his head down listening to the steady tune of her heart.

Ava's face reddened. "You know I love you."

"Good." He smiled, rubbing his thumbs in circles on her hips. "Hey, Ace?" It was more a question, holding more caution than intended.

"Yes, sunshine?"

"Do you think they would've liked me?" JJ fell into the habit of asking questions about thier child. Ava hated the reminder in the beginning, but sometimes she liked to dream of the what if's.

"They would have loved you. I know you would have been an amazing father. Fishing and surfing until sundown. Or maybe even princess tea parties."

"Could you imagine me in a feather boa and tiara?" The both giggled, tears reaching both thier eyes. They weren't necessarily sad tears, but more of reminiscing of what could have been.

"I'd think our girl would have gotten you into a tutu."

"Have you thought of adoption?" Ava has many times. She may miss out on the pregnancy part, but there was a chance she could see a child grow up. A child she could call her own. She would love them just the same.

"Many times." She kissed his forehead.

"Do you think we could?" He ran his hands down to the ground propping himself up. "I mean, is that something you would be open to?"

Ava nodded, wanting to cry. She loved JJ. "Yes, JJ."

"Oh, I love you, Ava. I love you more than anything. You know that?" JJ shuffled to his feet, dragging the girl to her own.

"You've told me every time you opened up your mouth."

"Do you see it when I look at you? Do you feel it when I hold you or when I touch you?" JJ placed a hand intimately on her bottom. Dusting the sand off as the excuse.

"It's overwhelming at times, JJ. But I know you love me."

"You know the way I know you love me?" The two swayed to the breeze, ignoring the passing of tourons.

"Enlighten me, Lover boy."

He scoffed. "First off, I'm eighteen. I'm a man. But back to my point. I know you love me when you value my opinion, when you let me take care of you, every time you place your trust in me. Especially when you let me hold you and love you." The waterworks were working for both of them.

"JJ." Ava breathed out quietly.

"Shhh." He silenced her with a long kiss. "Remember that one day we talked about our future. Our surf shop." Ava smiled fondly.

"We were gonna call it Maybank's."

"You'd run the surfing, I'd handle the shop."

"That one. I want to call it Maybank's." JJ sank in front of her on to his knee. "With you."

A ring clasped in between his fingers. "It's not much. I don't have a lot. But I have a full time job, making enough to support us. We can find better accommodations to help us as time goes on. I promise to love you for the rest of our lives. I promise to provide for you and cherish you. Nothing will separate us. Til death do us part."

Ava allowed the shock to settle. "I do." Nervous was an understatement. "Fuck. I mean shit. Ah, dang. I mean Yes."

"I haven't even asked." JJ chuckled at her state.

"Well then hurry up."

"Will you do me the honors of being my wife? Will you marry me?"

"Yes." JJ slipped the ring on her left hand, pressing a kiss to Ava's knuckles.

"You make me the happiest man in the whole universe. I can't wait to spend my forever with you."

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine."

Ava's heart filled with love and desire for the man who currently held her. JJ was the type of person with a love and joy that left no room for the ugly. All her baggage, JJ unpacked it. He released her from the weight, allowing her to breathe.

"I already talked to your uncle. He gave me his blessing."

"Of course he did. After the hospital, I knew he still talked to you and met up with you. He loves you like his own."

"He's made me feel like a son. Offered his home. Can I confess something?"

"Anything and everything, J."

"You are my home. No matter where we go, as long as I'm with you, I am home." He sighed. "Sometimes it scares me how much you feel like home. I've never felt this way with anyone, not even John B, and I'm over at his house almost everyday since third grade."

"I would hope you wouldn't feel this way about John B. I would have some serious competition then."

JJ playfully pushes her shoulder. "Oh stop it. No one compares to you."

The two of them stayed there for hours, not wanting to leave before sun set. "So when do you want this wedding. J."

"I mean we can use the chateau backyard. Isn't Ward ordained or something. I'm happy with a small wedding." With all seriousness in his voice, JJ proceeded. "How does Tuesday sound?"

"As in like four days from now?"

"Yea. If that's what you want. I completely understand if you want more time to prep."

"Amazon prime takes two-ish days. Everyone we want here already is. Let's do it."

JJ pressed her lips to his, holding Ava still as he trailed them around her jaw. Not that he needed any force. "I'm ready to start our life, Ava. I truly am."

"So am I."

"We have to go tell John B and Big John we need their house Tuesday."

"Wait you didn't ask?"

"I did but I didn't think it would be so soon. They don't do anything anyways, it's fine."

"I love you, crazy."

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