part thirty-six

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The wedding was relatively short and extremely informal. The amount of times JJ randomly pulled Ava into his chest throughout the ceremony was unbelievable. Ward almost asked John B to hold him back so they could continue.

Ava on the other hand kept asking JJ if he was sure he wanted to go through with the wedding. "I know I am sure, are you?"

"Ava, I am positive. Now let us allow Mr. Cameron to finish." He placed a kiss to her cheek, giving a small squeeze to her hands. "I love you. You're doing great."

Ava sat at the wedding party table with her friends and Macy, plus Wheezie. They did it. She was finally Avalon Grace Maybank. Her husband sat next to her with his hand a little too high on her thigh, enjoying his meal.

During the meal, Macy and John B gave thier speeches. Talking about how they knew the bride and groom, sharing any stories, and then encouragement. There were no dry eyes in the back yard that night.

"To start of the dancing, I want to call up Ava and JJ." Pope took the roll of MC and deejay for the night. He was the most skilled with technology in the group.

JJ lead his wife onto the designated dancing zone. Slipping both arms around her waist.

"What song did you pick Mr. Maybank?" Ava questioned. JJ asked if he could suprise her with it. That scared Ava because the amount of times the boy explained how they could dance to whale noises and it still be good was astronomical.

"Just listen to the words, my love." He began humming. Ava felt the vibrations as she let her head rest against his toned chest. The girl hung on to every word he sang, tears steaming down her face.

"I've been waiting for you to come around and tell me the truth about everything that you're going through. My girl, you've got nothing to lose." JJ picked this song out just for her. As soon as he heard it, it was as if his heart wrote it. He was patient with her and gave her time to open up about her love, her struggles, her father, and all the good, bad and ugly.

"Cold nights and the Sunday mornings. On your way and out of the gray." The way the sun shines brighter after a dark night was the same way Ava smiled bigger after her darkest hour. She was making so much progress and was extremely proud of her. "I've got time, I've got love, got confidence you'll rise above."

"JJ." The girl whimpered out.

He shushed her, pulling her close. "Give me a minute to hold my girl." The boy continued to sing slightly off key the entire time, but Ava cherished every second of it. The vulnerability in JJ's eyes was the light that caused the darkness to flee.

"I've been dreaming 'bout us
Working hard and saving it up." Everything JJ did was for her. He picked up extra shifts at the auto body shop, putting in 100% effort. Recently he even got a promotion to manager which allowed paid time off, insurance plans, and higher pay. Him and Ava were going to be okay. "We'll go and see the man on the moon. My girl, we've got nothing to lose."

"I love you so much." Ava gave him a long passionate kiss. The girl rarely got the nerves or butterflies around him, but still somehow JJ still made her feel like the only girl in the world.

JJ looked deep into her eyes. "You're easy to love. I love loving you and adoring you and cherishing everything you do. I've told you a million times but you make me the best me I could ever be. Never in a million years did I think I would ever settle down for a kook."

He chuckled remembering the first time they met. JJ was on edge and rude, but to be honest, the boy loves to get a reaction out her. The way her ears twitched with the corners of her mouth, or the way he eyes narrowed, burning holes into his forehead. He felt seen by her, even in the beginning. So yes, loving her was easy when he's truly loved her in the beginning, even if it was just her responses. Now he knows everything about her and falls more in love every day.

As the song finished, others joined the dance floor, giving there congrats. Ava didn't want to leave JJ's side and nearly wanted to cry when Rafe asked to talk to him alone. She gave them the time because hopefully Rafe and JJ would learned to put thier differences aside and move on from the past. JJ was still cautious and on edge around him.

"Ava!" Sarah and Kie pulled the blonde girl away from the spot and into the middle of the dance floor. She's been on her bare feet since noon at the latest. This was exhausting.

The time was approaching ten o'clock, although the reception officially ended at eleven, Ava wanted to leave now. Not only was she tired, but she was excited. JJ told her he was gonna take her somewhere special, but now she knew it was thier house and that made her want to be there even more. To share her bed, life, and home with one man was her ending to a chapter in her fairytale dream. "I'm ready to go home, JJ."

"You sure, we only get one wedding."

"But we'll throw a million parties. I'm really tired and my feet hurt." JJ scooped her up bridal style.

"Anything for you princess. But maybe you should have worn shoes.

"Eh. It's fine. Sand would have gotten in them and then I would have cried."

"You already cried enough today. Don't need sand to be one of them." They smiled.

"That's what I'm saying."

"Let's go home, my lovely and beautiful wife. I think it's time we get you out of that dress." The boy winked with a grin.

Her arms were wrapped around his neck as she layer her head on a shoulder. "If I'm even awake. I'm exhausted. Might have to wait."

JJ nodded. As long as I am with you, I don't care what we do. But I think you should take the dress off anyways. We got those matching pajamas and I want to wear them tonight. And every night for that matter."

"You're wish is my command, Prince Charming."

"We're not bringing that up. I am not a shrek character."

"Let's just leave." And with that, the two quietly slipped away to the car, doing thier best to be unnoticed.

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