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When I woke up it was pitch black and dead silent.

Sitting up, I looked around me and inhaled a sharp breath.

So it wasn't a dream, I was actually in this strange man's house, and no one knew where I was.

How stupid am I? Why had I decided to run away? I couldn't even remember now.

I crept over to the door, and pressed my ear against the white wood.

There wasn't a sound of sniffing or even walking, so I placed my hand on the metal handle and turned it ever-so slowly.

It opened without a sound, so I stuck my head out and glanced down the long hallway. There was still no sound at all.

I bit my lip and willed myself to silence my breathing.

I tiptoed down the hallway, the cold wood of the floor stinging my toes.

There was an open door at the end of the hallway right before the stairs that I had to get past, then it seemed that I'd be home free.

I peered inside the door, and saw a sleeping Harry, passed out on top of the duvet still in the clothes I first saw him in.

He stirred momentarily, and I held my breath, I was a goner for sure. But instead, he rolled over with a satisfied grunt and nuzzled his face into his pillow.

I let out my breath and pushed on past the door, pressing my feet as lightly as I could on the marble stairs to avoid making any noise.

The downstairs was completely silent, and I silently thanked God for answering my prayers.

The sliding glass door was a few strides away, and beyond that I could see the dark outlines of the trees outside.

This was it.

I flicked the lock, and the door clicked, signalling that it was unlocked. I tugged the door and it slid open, smiling to myself, I stepped out onto the cold concrete patio.

Right when I was about to shut the door, a shrill alarm sounded in the house, echoing off the walls and surely waking Harry upstairs.

It's now or never, I thought to myself, as I pushed my legs to carry me off the concrete and into the woods.

At the tree line, I looked back at the house to see most of the lights flickering on and that was enough motivation for me to take off into the woods.

I'd never been the most athletic person, I tried a season of track and field, but decided that it wasn't for my short legs, so the speed they were travelling at surprised me.

My heart began to lighten, and the anxiety that was pressing against my chest began to fade away.

I'd done it, I'd escaped.

Bad. // Dark Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now