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Romania ~1961~

A young man and his friend had heard stories about Bran Castle, how Vlad Dracul had skewered his enemies on tall spikes to show that he meant business. Everyone in the town of Romania had believed that Vlad had gone so insane that he had already started to drink the blood of his maids and servants to a point where he had turned into a vampire. People feared the castle and what lay beyond it but not these two. Sam and Charlie stood outside the castle gates wondering what had laid beyond it.

"So what do you think?" Charlie asked.

"I think that this is crazy," Sam responded. "But I've always wondered if the stories were true,"

"There's only one way to find out," Charlie said as the two friends walked through the gates and into the darkness. Sam had lit a torch as the light illuminated the gloomy halls. Shadows rose floor to ceiling as the two were walking through. Though while they had walked through, they heard a door creak open just down the hall.

"Did you hear that?" Sam asked.

"I think it was just a door opening due to the wind," Charlie answered. The two began to make their way down the hall and stopped by another door. While Charlie had been down for entering Bran Castle, she started to feel uneasy as if they were being watched from the darkest corners of the hall. "Maybe this was a bad idea,"

"Hey it was your idea," Sam said.

"It may have been my idea but now I'm starting to regret it," Says Charlie. "Come on Sam we should probably go," Before Sam could even respond, the door behind him opened and Charlie could see something that she regretted ever seeing. "Um.. Sam..."

"What?" Sam said. "Charlie, are you okay? You look really pale," Charlie had tried to say something but it was too late as something reached out and grabbed Sam by the arm dragging him inside.

"Sam!" Charlie yelled as she ran over to the door as it locked. Charlie tried to turn the knob but it wouldn't budge. "Sam!"

"Charlie go!" Sam said from behind the door. "You need to get out of here, I don't know if I'll catch up!"

"But!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Go! Now!" Sam yelled and Charlie didn't hesitate one moment as she turned and raced out of the castle hoping that her friend was going to come out safely but that didn't seem to happen. Meanwhile, trapped in the room Sam looked around with only his torch. There didn't seem to be anyone there but he felt like he was being watched. "Hello? Anyone there?" behind him, something appeared from the darkness. He turned around only to come face to face with a creature that he couldn't believe actually existed, before he could react, the creature lunged at him and bit down on Sam's wrist. The pain was burning so much to a point where he ended up blacking out. 

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