Chapter ten

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Sam had not been expecting Cassie to kill her own father, but he worried that she was going to kill him next. Cassie held up her hands letting Sam know that she wasn't going to kill him and proceeded to untie Dean.

"Why did you just do that?" Sam questioned.

"I did it because my parents are bitches," Cassie responded as she finished untying Dean. "They had no right to use Dean as bait," Once Dean had been free he got up and stepped away in complete silence. His body went into shock after all that had just happened, Sam got incredibly concerned at Dean's silence. He was never quiet yet here he was suddenly mute, Sam worried that this was because Dean was now afraid. He tried to walk away thinking Dean didn't want him around, but Dean grabbed him immediately terrified of being taken again.

"He's in shock, you have to take him to a hospital, " Cassie said to Sam.

"I don't need to go to a hospital," Dean said "And as for you Cassie, I can't believe what you had done, you played with my feelings and here I thought that you were different from all the other girls i've met before, but it's all the same," Dean had felt betrayed and hated what he had gotten himself into. It didn't help that he actually thought he felt something for Cassie but now that wasn't going to happen.

"It wasn't supposed to be like that," Cassie said to him. "I will admit it in the beginning it was a game but then I actually began to like you," her words fell on deaf ears as Dean was still pissed.

"Save it for someone who cares or maybe your next boyfriend," Turning on his heels he stormed past Sam and Cassie to leave the abandoned house. He pulled out his keys from his ruined leather jacket and got into his car where he drove back to the castle. Once he arrived at the castle, he pushed the door open and walked inside.

"Squirrel nice to finally meet you," a voice said and Dean searched around for the owner. His eyes landed on Crowley and he had no idea that he was a vampire or the one that turned Sam. "Come on now, no words?" He was a little upset at Dean not responding.

"Look man, not the time," Dean said as he turned and was about to head toward his room when Crowley had grabbed Dean by the arm.

"On the contrary there's plenty of time," Crowley responded, knocking Dean out with one punch. He could have just turned Dean right there but since Sam hadn't listened to him he would make Sam watch as it happened. It was a little disappointing because he had high hopes in Sam, but perhaps Dean would be all that Sam failed to be. Back at the abandoned house Cassie was running after an enraged Sam.

"Hey come back here I just saved you!" She called out but Sam wasn't having any of it.

"Do you expect me to thank you?" Sam asked her. "You lured Dean out here and it almost got him killed, how can anyone do that to another human being," he continued.

"I was only doing what I was told, I never wanted him to get hurt," Cassie responded. She really didn't know how far her parents would take their hunt but Sam only saw her sorrow as an act.

"Don't say anything else, get lost and stay away from me and my brother," Sam said to her before speeding off. The second Sam got back he knew something was off, and he really hoped that Dean hadn't run off again because there was only so much Sam could handle. He was already worried enough about his friend due to him being mortal, he overheard the sound of struggling and ran upstairs. He didn't know how he knew that Dean's life was in danger but his whole body shook with worry. He made it to the top of stairs and saw Crowley holding Dean captive, and just when Sam thought his day couldn't get any worse.

"Hello moose we've been expecting you," Crowley said to him. Sam glared at the older vampire and demanded to know what he had done. "You're smart, figure it out," he continued. Suddenly, Sam realized what Crowley was up to and he wasn't too happy about it.

"Why are you doing this Crowley?!" Sam exclaimed. "He's just a boy! Can't you see he's already been through enough?!"

"A boy who's human!" Crowley yelled and his voice echoed through the castle halls. "They've hunted us mercilessly and don't let your emotions stop you, humans don't care who killed who they just hunt!" he continued. "Who's the monster now huh Squirrel?" Crowley asked Dean who was only half conscious. He was hoping that this was all a bad dream and he would wake up without seeing Crowley. "He's quiet," He commented.

"Let him go!" Sam demanded and Crowley made a face like he was thinking about it. But then laughed as he didn't have plans to change his mind.

"Nope like you once were he's mine now," Crowley declared and shoved his arm along the cut on Dean's face. Crowley had bitten his own arm and now the vampire infection was running through Dean's blood. Sam reacted immediately furious with Crowley for trying to turn Dean and shoved the elder vampire into the wall. Dean dropped to the floor either dead or changing Sam didn't know but his only focus was making Crowley pay. His maker hadn't expected Sam to get so angry so he tried to flee like the coward he was, but Sam didn't let him leave. He snapped Crowley's neck and using his super strength he ripped Crowley's head off despite the fact that Crowley was older and stronger than he was. Sam forgot all about his fury and raced over to Dean, who still hadn't woken up, it looked like Crowley had been unsuccessful but Sam couldn't take any chances. He never wanted this to happen to Dean, being a vampire was a curse and if Dean's body accepted the venom, he would wake up as a vampire. Newborn vampires were dangerous as they had no idea how to control their hunger or their anger.

"Dean, why didn't you wait for me?" Sam asked sadly. He wished with all his being that he could do something or at least cry, but as a vampire he couldn't do either. Whether the transformation worked or not he still felt like he had lost his only friend. What was he going to do? He stayed with Dean wanting to see if anything happened but after an hour had passed nothing changed and Sam assumed that Dean was dead. He left briefly to get out his emotions but the second he was gone Dean woke up and felt super weird. Everything felt so loud to him and also he was starving but not for food, he needed blood. Not sure how to control himself Dean ran off in search of food, normally he wouldn't crave something like blood but he couldn't think about anything else. Sam noticed pretty quickly that Dean had left and ran after him so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone. 

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