Chapter four

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Dean was a little nervous about his upcoming date, he hadn't been on a date since high school and sucked at talking to girls. When he told Benny about it on his way back to the castle his best friend wasted no time in teasing him about it.

"A cute girl asked you out already?" Benny asked, even though the phone Dean could see his friend's smirk.

"Don't get all excited for me, Benny," Dean said. "I barely know anyone in this town and my boss's daughter was the next best thing,"

"You better not break her heart then brother," Benny told him. "Wear something nice and make sure to tell her she looks nice," Dean frowned at his friend and crossed his arms.

"Have you seen my closet?" Dean said. "I don't even know what to wear to these things, and it's not a date,"

"Sounds like one and take my advice don't wear a suit or the girl will think you're trying too hard," Came Benny's helpful response. "Just wear something that isn't dirty or too dark and be yourself," he continued. "One more thing, don't get carried away, bye!" He finished hanging up.

"Thanks so much for your help," Dean said to the receiver, he put his phone away. Cassie hadn't even given him a time frame to get ready and from the way, it seems he was going on this hang out in blue jeans and a green shirt as well as a leather jacket that he had always worn. Cassie had already clocked out and stepped out to find that Dean had been waiting for her.

"Well sweetheart, are you ready?" Cassie said sweetly as she approached Dean who had been leaning up against his impala.

"As I'll ever be," Dean responded. He was trying his best not to come off as desperate; the only problem was he had no idea how to flirt. "You look nice," he told her. She gave him a look, and Dean mentally cursed at himself. "Sorry I'm really out of practice," he admitted.

"You're fine sweetie," Cassie said. "I know you don't really know that many people around here," Cassie walked around to the passenger's seat as she opened the impala and climbed in, Dean had gone around and closed the passenger's side door for her at the same time she had buckled in. He got into the driver's seat and started the car. "It's not too far from this building maybe about five miles into town,"

"I assume you've been to the place before?" Dean asked with a smile. "Tell me the way beautiful," Cassie guided Dean until eventually, they arrived at a large building with a set of stairs. It was huge and round and Dean was amazed at the site.

"Well here we are," Cassie said as Dean pulled into one of the parking lots. "Come on I actually know the manager of this place, we could get in there and get some good seats,"

"Wow this place is breathtaking," Dean said as Cassie led him inside. He felt a little undressed since some of the customers were dressed formally, but those thoughts were pushed away by the size of the place. Cassie walked over to the manager who was standing behind the desk and told him about Dean the minute he looked up he nodded and led the two to one of the window seats.

"Please have a seat and someone will be along shortly," the manager said as he walked away.

"Don't be so stiff babe," Cassie said. "No one really pays much attention, they're too focused on what they're doing,"

"Forget that I'm distracted by the beauty of this place," Dean said, taking in the view from his seat. The tables were evenly spread out across the black marble floor, lights shone from various parts of the restaurant giving it a very regal look, and the tables themself were set with beautiful silverware that Dean swore was worth more than his rent. "How much is the food here?" Dean asked as the manager walked away from their table. "I don't know if I'll be able to afford anything," he said softly.

"Don't worry," Cassie said. "It's on me," Cassie smiled at Dean at the same time one of the waiters walked over to their table with a notepad.

"Welcome to Fragment," Said the waiter, "What can I get you today? Perhaps a drink?"

"How about for a drink, two glasses of your best red wine," Cassie said. "As for the food, I'll have Rabbit please,"

"I'll have the same," Dean said to the waiter as the waiter wrote down their order.

"I will be right back with the wine and your dinner," he said and walked away.

"So Dean," Cassie said, putting on her best sweet voice. "I know you're from America, but why did you come to Romania?"

"Long story but let's just say I needed money because my ass stepmother kicked me out," Dean explained. "I've had a rough couple of years," Cassie had gone silent as she wasn't expecting Dean to say something like that, she had thought that he only came because his family had moved to Romania, after hearing this she had started to feel slightly guilty.

"Oh," she said. "So you traveled across the world by yourself?" the waiter had arrived with the drinks and food, he had placed it in front of Dean and Cassie.

"Anything else?" The waiter asked. Cassie shook her head as the waiter turned toward Dean.

"Apple cream tart," Dean said to the waiter, he was upset that there was no pie but a tart would do. The waiter nodded and told them both to enjoy their meal. He left shortly after that so the two could continue talking. "To answer your question I moved across the world with my best friend, he has family up here so I've been staying with him," Dean explained. "My plan is to start a new life here and maybe find something I've been missing,"

"And the castle? By now wouldn't you have noticed anything.. I don't know? Strange?" Cassie questioned, she wanted to change the topic since she had noticed how much Dean had been hurting and took a drink from her wine glass before eating some of her food.

"You mean besides the fact that it has no electricity or that bitchy owner?" Dean asked. "A few things like wind inside the house, but the place is old so nothing too bad," he explained. "Just wish that he would actually talk to me," Cassie swallowed her food and placed her fork and knife down.

"Oh him? He doesn't necessarily like anyone," Cassie lied. "The only person he would ever talk to would be that girl in the town, someone named Charlie," she continued. "Other than that, he doesn't like anybody invading his personal space especially outsiders," The two continued talking until Dean had to leave, if he wasn't back at the castle by twelve his boss might fire him.

"Thanks for today," Dean said to Cassie. He actually really liked her but kept that to himself as he drove back. Unfortunately, Sam was waiting in the main common area when he got back, Dean grumbled and asked the man what he wanted.

"Answers is what I want," Sam said standing up. "Who hired you and why are you here alone?" Sam asked. He had noticed that Dean was young but alone so maybe the key to making him leave was getting under his skin. "Did you run away from home?" Dean was getting annoyed with Sam at this point.

"That is none of your business and where my life was is not important," Dean answered rudely.

"You live in my house, so your life is now my business," Sam answered. "Now why are you here, did something happen?" He asked intentionally, trying to get Dean upset. "I don't think your parents would approve of you being here," Dean snapped at those words.

"Don't you dare talk about my parents like that!" He screamed the volume and even caught Sam off guard. "You don't know anything about me, you wanna know why I'm alone?" He asked. "My parents are dead, do you hear me dead!" He spat and was close to bursting into a fit of angry tears. Sam felt bad because he hadn't meant to push Dean that far, he only wanted him to leave. He stormed off after that, not giving Sam a chance to respond. 

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