Chapter two

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Dean looked over the list of assignments Bela had given him about six times.

"Scrub the floor, tidy the rooms, wash the windows, repair any damage, and secure the property," he read out loud to himself. The castle itself looked quite nice at least on the inside, Dean thought it looked more like a prison from outside. This wasn't too surprising as the castle was over six hundred years old. "wouldn't kill to have some lights," he said, searching for any sign of a light switch. However, he found none and facepalmed realizing that a castle this old wouldn't have electricity. "Son of a bitch, " Dean said, opening the curtains behind him.

Maybe he was dreaming but he swore he heard someone hiss. "Someone there?" Dean asked, getting no response. He shrugged his shoulders and began exploring more of the castle. From the top of the staircase a certain vampire had caught onto Dean's human scent and he wasn't pleased, he didn't like visitors. Thinking quickly he closed the curtains once Dean was gone hoping that he would get terrified and just leave. Over the years so many people had come into his castle because of a stupid dare and to take pictures. Either way, he didn't want humans in his home, so if the castle didn't scare him then the vampire was going to scare him.

Dean had heard the curtains close behind him causing him to stop in his tracks and make his way back to the room he was at not a moment before. Though when he got to the room he had seen that the curtains had been drawn shut engulfing the area with darkness. Pulling out his phone, Dean turned on his flashlight and made his way back over to the windows.

"I know I opened those," Dean said to himself as he pulled the curtains open again. Making sure that the windows remained open, Dean walked throughout the castle with his flashlight until he found what he had assumed was the dining room. It was slightly chilly and he needed something to warm him up. "Looks like I'm going to have to do this the old fashioned way," Dean said looking around for some matches. If this place had no electricity then fire would have to, there was a fireplace nearby so it would do for light and warmth. After looking through the room with only his phone for a flashlight he found a box of matches, when he was a kid his Dad would take him camping so he knew how to start a fire. He missed those days, and he missed his Dad. It still hurt to think about that day, when he was fifteen and his father had a stroke while he was at school. Pushing his painful memories aside he lit the match and threw into the fireplace, the flames appeared immediately and their orange glow shone Dean's face.

Now that he could see he was in the large room around him, it was a nice dining room save for the creepy life-like mannequin that almost gave Dean a heart attack. "That needs to be locked up!" He exclaimed sitting at the long table, there was no trace of food being left and Dean found that odd. Didn't the owner of this castle sit here to eat? As he continued to get lost in his thoughts a gust of wind brushed past him. Dean looked around for the source and sighed when he saw the open window. He got up and closed it only to feel wind from behind him, only not as strong. Now he understood why people thought this place was haunted, but Dean wasn't going to run; he had a job to do. After doing everything and opening the curtains again since they couldn't seem to stay open and locked up the castle so that no one could come in. His tasks took him all day so he decided to retire into one of the bedrooms, Bela had told him he was welcome to sleep since he had to be there all day. "I betcha anything that this place is only weirder at night," Dean said to himself. "And I'm talking to myself again," he sighed once he sat on the bed.

"Get out," a voice said to him but Dean didn't listen and told the voice to go screw himself. With a yawn he took his leather jacket off and fell asleep on the bed. The vampire had been extremely annoyed and was shocked that nothing scared the newcomer. He walked through the halls trying to think about other ways that could possibly help him scare the guy. Dean was fast asleep when he found himself in a dream sequence.

Dean stood in the middle of the castle torches were lit all along the walls and Dean had been unsure of what to make of the situation. He walked down a long hallway until eventually he arrived at the end. In front of him stood a large mirror with gold frames and covered in cobwebs, not thinking much about it, Dean removed the cobwebs until he could see his reflection.

He looked down at the bottom of the mirror and saw that there had been an engraving on it. The name of the owner had been slightly scratched out but he could make out a first name Vlad. Standing back up he looked in the mirror once again only to see a shadowy figure standing behind him.

"Who are you?!" The figure said without meaning to Dean turned only to find that the figure was not there. "You don't belong here!" Dean gasped in fear as he bolted awake and looked around to find that he was still in one of the rooms. He hadn't had a nightmare like that since he was a kid and now it seemed that things were starting to get to him. Thankfully, he had walked over to his bag and pulled out a bottle of alcohol, opened it and drank a little bit before placing it on a side table. Dean pulled out his switchblade and stepped out from the room. He looked up and down the dark hallways now looking eerily creepy from the amount of shadows. "Who's there?" Dean asked "whoever you are, you better not mess with me, I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!" He got no answer and that only annoyed Dean so he threw his weapon causing it to embed into the wall.

"I don't know who you're fooling with this ghost crap but it stops now!" Dean yelled. "Now whatever or whoever come out or I'll the next thing my blade will be is in you," he continued.

"That's a bold statement," a voice said to him. 

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