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Note: Guess who's back! I finally turned in my big project but honestly, I don't think it was my best. The previous chapter is our usual faces and now I have faced for the new students that we'll be getting to know and see a lot. 

Next, this is a Warning from here and further on

Warning includes: 

-cussing / strong language



-dark magic (curses)

And other mature content (Maybe even lemons/smut but no promises) since this will go dark because there is a murderer going around and killing families. If you want to read it by all means. 

We will also be exploring mental health as well. (anxiety, depression) as well as touch on stuff like abuse and trauma. No one has a perfect life and why their target is going to be explained which we'll be diving into heavy, sad, and dark backstories. 

The rest of the book will not be like this and if there's anything heavy and such I'll balance it out equally with some fun, light-hearted, and content. 

Also, this is a short chapter but I'll post a longer one soon. Enjoy!


•Morning the next day•

Estrella was in the library reading her mother's journal.  The fireplace was warming the cold air of four in the morning. After the previous night's events, Ella couldn't find a way to get herself to sleep. She was reading about her mother's third year When she heard someone walking into the room.

Ella's blue eyes glance up, meeting brown ones. They both held each other as Dean looked away.

"Sorry, didn't think anybody would be here this early."

"You're more than welcome to be here. I'm not going to stop you," Ella said, letting her eyes fall back into her mother's journal.

"Since you're here, sorry for making you and your boyfriend uncomfortable."

Ella looks back up at him.

"Boy--? Oh, you mean Jayden?" She asked. "He's just Jayden. He'll back off and mind his own business after a day or two."

Dean looks at her, confused.

"So he's not your boyfriend?"

"He's more than that. He's my best friend."

"How is that more than someone you love?"

"What makes you think I don't love him?"

Dean smiled and walked over to sit on the couch next to Ella. He places his book down then turns to face the blonde girl.

"There's four different types of Love, Estrella."


Dean nodded the held up his right hand with one finger up. "Family love. Usually, the unconditional love of parents and sibling annoyance falls in there. But it's more immediate family, not distant relatives."

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