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Note: And we're back, the end is coming! Sorry i took some time away from this, school is hetic, but fear not I have drafted the story to the end and will be uploading them this week. With that, enjoy!

 With that, enjoy!

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Estrella was drenched in water by two witches while she remained tied to a chair. She spat out and quickly blinked her eyes looking up at Simon who was sitting against the wall while relaxing.

"How do you get the time tuner?"

"Go to hell." Estrella sneered as the large man picked up another bucket and threw it at her.

"It's below freezing," Simon contained. "You'll freeze to death if you're not treated properly."

Estrella's body was shaking but she was slowing down her breathing to bare it.

Dean was worried. Anyone can see it, but he was trying to hold himself back because he trusted her.

"Bring him," Simon said summoning Dean over.

The witch and the large man grabbed Dean and place a chair in front of Estrella forcing Dean to sit. The witch cast a binding spell, tying Dean down to his chair.

"He's not from this time," Simon said standing up. "if you're like your mother then you believe in the natural order."

Estrella scoffed. "You are delusional."

"Fine." Simon then grabbed Dean's hair and yank his head back.

Estrella glared at him as Simon took out the dagger and held it to his neck.

"Aren't you a man?" Dean asked sarcastically. "Torturing kids."

Simon let go of Dean and turned to his companions.

"Just our luck that the two students we took are both smart-asses."

Estrella then looked onto the floor. Her thoughts were trying to distract her from the cold piercing air.

"Why don't you get over yourself?" Estrella asked.

Simon turned to the platinum blonde. "I beg your pardon?"

"You want the bloody object to go back and make my mother fall for you. Newsflash, she wasn't meant for you. Everyone on this bloody plant is meant for someone it might take years to find them and countless mistakes but you probably missed your chance seeing as you were obsessing over my mother. Didn't you try and kill her at one point?"

"I tried to kill both your parents during the war--"

"No." Estrella's eyes frighten Simon but he held his cold composure. "My mother was poisoned once in her fifth year. She would've died had it not been for my father. But he never could've figured it out."

Simon stepped towards Estrella. "And what makes you so sure?"

Estrella just glared at him.

"You know exactly what I'm looking for don't you?"

Once Long Ago.... [Book2Of"Why Him?"]Where stories live. Discover now