Chapter 2: Meeting The Others

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As Komaeda lead me around, I found myself thinking about how everyone else might take my talent. What if they think I'm cursed and become scared of me? what if they think I'm weird? what if they hate me? no, they will hate me. Everyone always does. Even my own family. Every time someone finds out my talent, they either get scared, which doesn't happen that often, or they laugh at how pathetic I am. well, everyone except Komaeda, who seemed to like my talent. Actually, he's probably just faking it because he pities me. Y'know what? maybe I shouldn't have told him my talent. Well, its too late for that now.. "Oh, there he is." My thoughts were cut off by Komaeda pointing towards a plain-looking boy with spiky brown hair with a weird stalky antenna thing, a green tie, a plain white button-up, and a pair of plain black jeans. We made it up to him, and Komaeda nods his head toward him and looks at me as if to tell me go on so I approached him and he jumped, presumably because I scared him so I stuttered out an apology, to which he accepted. "I don't think we've met- Wait, aren't you that girl I fainted on? oh my gosh I'm so sorry- are you okay?" he says. Okay so this guy seems paranoid right now, probably about this school-trip thing. I don't blame him though, this situation is definitely not normal. "Yeah, I'm okay, and don't worry about the fainting thing, you couldn't help it." I smile at him. "okay, thank you, but I still don't know your name, so uh, can you tell me?" he awkwardly replies. When did this get awkward? I thought this was going well.. "Oh, right. My name is Akari Yamamoto. What's yours?" I ask. he gives me a small smile. "I'm Hajime Hinata." he says. Hajime? that's probably the most generic Japanese male name ever. "By the way, do you have an Ultimate Talent?" I ask. "I thought you would ask that, I'm certain I have a talent, but I cant remember it at the moment." he replies, looking down. "Oh, well that's unfortunate, but I'm sure you'll remember it!" I beam. He smiles back. I think we're gonna get along pretty well. "What about your talent?" Hinata asks. oh right. my 'talent'. "Ah, I'm the u-um, the Ultimate Unlucky Student.. I don't really consider it a worthy talent though.. I never deserved any kind of praise in the first place." I hesitantly reply. Hinata gives me a look that looked something like sympathy, or an emotion similar. "I'm sure your talent can't be that bad.." he says, looking like he's thinking about something. "okay, well I'm gonna go meet everyone else, I'll see you later Hinata, yeah?" I say. he looks back at me and nods with a small smile. I walk back over to Komaeda, who was smirking at something, probably something he was thinking. "Hey, Komaeda." I say. "huh? oh, hey. Your done with him, right?" he asks. I nod. "alright, let's continue." he states. We continue walking towards a tall guy with a large reddish-purplish looking scarf, he looked even more emo than me, and that's saying a lot. And the girl beside him was really pretty, she had long blonde hair with a black sparkly bow, a poofy dark green dress and a red bow. wow, she's super pretty [[OH MY GOSH THE HOMOSEXUALNESS RADIATING OFF OF AKARI RN LMAO]] I walked over to them. "Hello, I do not believe we have met, should we introduce ourselves?" the girl asked. "yes, I suppose we should introduce ourselves to this mortal." the guy said. 'mortal?' so he's not mortal or..? "Very well then. I am Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess." she replied. oh, well that explains the outfit. "Listen well mortal, for I do not plan on repeating myself." I nod at him. "I am the Ultimate Breeder, Gundham Tanaka! Kneel before me, mortal!" he declared. Do I really have to bow to him? "You do not have to kneel to him." Sonia said, while giving Tanaka a look. "Alright. I guess it's my turn. I'm Akari Yamamoto. The Ultimate, uh... the Ultimate Unlucky student. I know it shouldn't even be considered a talent but... Oh sorry, I was about to go on a tangent haha." I rubbed my arm. "Hm, I didn't know a mortal such as yourself could have such a demonic talent." Tanaka spoke his thoughts. Does he have to call me a mortal every time he speaks? "Gundham! Don't say that! Not everything is about demons!" Sonia exclaimed. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Yeah, I know it sucks, thanks for rubbing it in haha." I say with a forced smile. "alright, I'm gonna go meet other people now, see you guys later, okay?" I say. "Goodbye, mortal." Tanaka spoke. I guess he does have to call me a mortal every time he speaks. "I hope to see you again!" Sonia called. I turned back to Komaeda, who was standing there waiting for me. "Okay, lets keep going." I say. "Alright." Komaeda says with a small smile. As we begin walking, Komaeda decides to start up a conversation. "Those two are a handful, aren't they?" He asked while laughing slightly. "Uh-huh, they both seem to like each other though, so as long as they get along, then it's fine!" I reply with a smile. As long as they don't fight. I hate fighting. I look up and see a really short girl with blonde pigtails and an orange kimono, and a red-haired girl with a camera strapped around her, a red and white flannel tie thing, and green skirt-overalls. They both seemed interesting, so I Approached them. "Oh, Hi! I don't think I've seen you around here. I'm Mahiru Koizumi. The Ultimate Photographer." the girl with red hair said with a smile. the girl with the kimono glared at me, then said "I'm Hiyoko Saionji. The Ultimate Traditional Dancer. What about you?" Oh great, another girl hates me here other than my sister. "I'm Akari Yamamoto, the Ultimate Unlucky Student. Nice to meet you both!" I smiled. I'm actually really scared that that blonde pigtail girls gonna start yelling at me, so I decide I wanna leave. "I'm gonna go meet the others now, bye!" I call as I turn around, only to have tripped over my own feet. Just my luck. I hear Saionji laughing her ass off, but I just try to ignore her. I get up, only to fall straight back down. seriously? my fucking luck sucks. Saionji is now laughing even harder. I sigh. "Ah, I'm sorry I didn't help you up sooner, heh." Komaeda smiles and outstretches his hand. I take it, and he pulls me up. I brush the dirt off my skirt. "t-thanks Komaeda, I'm glad you take the time to care for a piece of garbage, but please, don't feel like you have to." I smile. this guy actually seems to care for me. he looks at me concerned for a moment, then he speaks. "oh no, it's really no problem, and you shouldn't be calling yourself garbage, because your most definitely not." Komaeda says. Does he really think I'm not lowly scum? . . .

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