Chapter 4: Before The Party.

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Me and Nagito make it to the cabin. As I open the door, a cloud of dust hits us, and be both begin coughing. "That's a lot of dust-" Nagito says in between coughs, while using his hand to fan the dust away. "Yeah-" I reply. Once the dust settled down, It turns out there was just a lot of dust under the door, and when we opened it, we fanned it right into our faces. There was definitely dust, just not as bad as we thought it would be. There were more spider webs than dust. "I don't think there's any cleaning products here.." Nagito says. "Ya think?" I reply sarcastically. He laughs. "Yeah I guess that would have been obvious, heh." He says. "Oh, I think there's some in the dining hall, let's check there." I say. He nods, and starts out the door. I follow behind him.

 We make it into the dining hall, to see Hanamura cooking something for the party. It smelled pretty good, but I probably won't be eating, heh. I grabbed some cleaning stuff, and Nagito did as well, but he stayed there for a second. I made it back to the cabin, and began cleaning. After a minute, Nagito showed up. "Ah sorry, I seen Togami on the way back." He apologizes. I turn my head toward him. "Oh no, It's fine." I smile, then go back to cleaning. "You're pretty good at this," Nagito says, as he starts cleaning. "Oh, Thanks haha." I say. It took like 3 hours, but we managed to make this cabin all sparkly and clean. I sigh dramatically as I sit down against the now clean wall. Nagito chuckles. "I know, I know." he says as he sits next to me. "I'm tirrrreeeeddd.." I say as I lean on his shoulder. He laughs again. "Me tooooooo.." He says. I laugh back at him. I sleepily look up at him. "Do you wanna go check out those 'cottages' Monomi mentioned?" I ask. "Sure, but you know that requires walking, and I'm sorry but I'm not carrying you, haha." he replies. "awww mannn.. I was hoping you wouuldddd.." I pout. He smiles. "Nope, not carrying you." He says. "fiinnee, but at least help me uppp.." I say. He gets up, and gives me his hand. I take it, and we begin our way to the cottages. 

I find mine, it has a blue mailbox with a little pixel version of my face, and Nagito's is right across from mine. "Okay, I think I'm gonna sleep, Monokuma's already announced that it's nighttime." I say. "Okay, I guess I will too, just come if you need anything." Nagito replies. "Alright. Night, Nagito." I say as I turn to my door. "Goodnight, Akari." He calls back. I walk into my cottage for literally the first time. It's pretty plain, well I guess that's to be expected, I haven't actually bothered decorating yet. Okay well maybe I lied to Nagito, I'm not gonna sleep just yet. I decide to look in the little fridge I have. I look in, and surprise, surprise, it's a bunch of monster energy drinks. Did they know that these are my favorite or something?? How do they know so many things about me? I look in the closet. It's just a bunch of the same outfits I'm wearing now, and some comfy looking band tee shirts and a couple pairs of shorts. [WAIITT IS THAT A MCR SHIRT?? FUCKING EMO]I guess I could wear these as pajamas? I change into a MSI shirt and some black shorts. 

Okay, There's a pile of sketchbook-looking things on my nightstand, a pencil holder with about 8 pencils in it, and an iPod looking thing with headphones plugged into it already. I sit on my bed and pull all of them in front of me. All of the sketchbooks are black, with nothing in them, and no kind of logos or anything, but all of them are different sizes. The pencils are just plain, mechanical pencils. So I guess everyone gets a few things they like in their cottages, because It wouldn't make too much sense if I was the only one who got this kind of stuff. I decide to use one of the smaller sketchbooks as a uh, person-log thing? Like I write down a bunch of things about the people I met, I'll probably draw them on their pages too. I take the iPod thing and look through the playlists. I think this app is like a Monokuma-Spotify? It looks just like Spotify, except the logo is bear-shaped and is half black and half white like Monokuma. All the playlists look like ones I would make. All the songs I like are on there too. Weird. I play one called "it's all in your mind," It's like a vibe playlist for me. [YO I ACTUALLY HAVE THIS IF YOU WANNA LISTEN TO IT FOLLOW ME ON SPOTIFY MY USERNAMES GH0ST. YEAH SO UH YES] I decide to take out my person-log sketchbook and write some things. I make a page for everyone I met and put their names on the top of all of them. I start on the first page, which is Hinatas. 

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