A Hero's New world

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Ruby was minding her own business at home when she suddenly felt a little hungry, so as she usually does she gets up and eats what she usually does when she's peckish, milk and cookies so she can get big and strong so she can be a huntress like in the story's.Unfortunately they are out.

Ruby:Damn! Yang,Dad!! I'm heading out to buy cookies be back in a few!

With that she grabs her money and uses her semblance to make a mad dash to town but on the way gets side tracked at a store called "From Dust Till Dawn" a story that sells mainly Dust and magazines on weapons.
She dident even realize it but she had been there for almost 4 hours just reading magazines on weapons.
She would be interrupted by her shoulder being grabbed.
Random robber:Hey!!
Random robber:I said give me everything you got!!
Ruby:Ar- Are you robing me?
Random robber:YES!!!!! He said angrily swinging his sword.
Mere seconds passed before ruby threw the guy out the window and soon jumped out with him.
The girl slowly get up with her weapon being taken out turning into a scythe she does a few cool tricks with it before slamming the bladed part into the ground while pausing her music.
Head boss:Ooookkkkkk?? he said confused which was soon fallowed by him saying "Get her".
Ruby swiftly takes out the enemy's like a hot knife through butter and soon fallows the boss witch is getting away by climbing on a ladder to the top of a building.But what the man so saw whence he got to the top, etched fear into his very soul.
It was late a night ago the boss could not see much but what he could, terrified him.
In front of him was what to a 5,5 rabbit wearing torn up bloody clothes covering him Especially his claw like hands that were covered in fresh dripping blood, his head tilted as he sat down with tears sharp enough to cut through bone,wearing a torn bright yellow scarf, with 1 piercing bright green eye cutting through him and with him surrounded in greenish black lightning and greenish black tentacles penetrating from his back swaying calmly in the night wind.

In front of him was what to a 5,5 rabbit wearing torn up bloody clothes covering him Especially his claw like hands that were covered in fresh dripping blood, his head tilted as he sat down with tears sharp enough to cut through bone,wearing a tor...

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Head boss:What the?!? he said as he immediately covered his mouth hoping the monster in front of him dident hear.
But alas his luck had to run out at some point,this was evident when the beasts head sharply looked at the direction of the sound as the tentacle like object grew sharper and pointed in the direction of the voice.
Head boss:(sweating bullets) W-well hello you terrifying son of a gun my n-name is R-Roman t-torchwich.
Ruby using her speed and her Scythe witch is a sniper jumped to the top of the building.
Roman:tch annoying.
Suddenly a Bullhead comes out of seminary nowhere inches from the building.
Roman:(gets on the bullhead) Well red I'll give you this much you did wonders out there but at the end of the day your still just a child.
Roman then throws a price of fire dust towards her and as it hits the ground he fires his Cain which is actually a Cain towards it soon letting of an explosion.
A few moment later as the smoke clears up there stands a blond hair lady giving off a midnight sort of fibe.She soon uses her semblance to turn the destroyed roof to send sharp shrapnel at the bull head.The man then runs back into the ship to the driver whose everything is covered by shadow all you can see is the glowing orange tattoos and eyes that give off a fire like feeling.
Roman:We got a huntress!!! he screamed the lady then runs past him leaving the ship out of control only for Roman to run to the controls to get control of the ship.
As the the lady is in the opening latch she is soon shot at by ruby with her sniper who she simply blocks with her hand while the other raises to attack but suddenly is stopped by the sound of a demon
Monster: (Demonic voice)BLACK WHIP!!!
The ship is suddenly punctured with holes with 10 black like rope.As everybody looked to the point of origin the stared in awww with a more towering sense of fear.
The monster gets up and slowly walks to the ship.

The lady soon charges a attack the surrounds the ship hitting the whips,not enough to destroy them but weaken them enough for the ship to start flying away but before it was out of reach the monster raised its hand in a flicking position and its g...

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The lady soon charges a attack the surrounds the ship hitting the whips,not enough to destroy them but weaken them enough for the ship to start flying away but before it was out of reach the monster raised its hand in a flicking position and its gloves start changing turning into little barrels on each finger.Flicking his fingers one after the other each one sent what seemed to be compressed air biking the ship off corse but over stalled it a bit before it flew away.
Monster:hmph smart using the air to just go faster.
Meanwhile both ruby and the blond lady were stunned by the thing in front of them but both were knocked out of this trance when he fell to the ground coughing up blood.
Monster:(coughing blood) s-shit guess I'm not as patched up as I though I was?!
Before the blond lady could walk to get him to the police station for recovery and questioning ruby cuts her off.
Ruby:OMG YOU A HUNTRESS!!!!???! Can I have your autograph!!?!?
Monster:she's kinda like how I use to be with hero's huh.
We're the last thoughts he had before passing out from pain.

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