Izuku's Nightmare

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Izuku found himself in a dark void,this would be normal if he was put into the world of ofa but he wasn't this world felt eerie like he was staring into the vo-

?:Why? Why did you leave us daddy? We needed you and you left us.

Izuku saw a blurred out silhouette but he knew who it was even if he couldn't see them fully.

Izuku tried to talk but found himself unable to talk let alone move.

Another person showed up right next to the previous.

?:You left us dad you left us with no more than a damn letter!! You said you'd come back after beating afo but you dident! You did the same thing my parents did and abandon me!!

A new person showed up and again they were blurred but the way they spoke gave it away who they were.

?Why did you leave us Deku-Kun? We could have beaten afo together.Did we do something wrong? Did you really hate us that much?Was any of it real to you?

?:Why problem child? You wanted to be a hero so badly and yet you left us when we needed you most. After the war things went to hell and what did you do you left us!WE NEEDED YOU ABD YOU LEFT US,ALL OF US!


Izuku soon found himself near the edge of the roof top of his middle school.He could finally move and turned to move away from the edge when he saw it.

Dismembered, horrified versions of his friends family and other pro hero's,Dead, blood everywhere covering the roof in it.

Izuku fell to the ground and started crying which very quickly turned into sobbing as he looked at his hands and saw them covered in blood.

The blood from the roof disappeared along with the bodies as the world faded back to black.

In this void of darkness he saw all of it. Every single one of his friends deaths followed by his moms then the pro hero's and lastly Kota and eri death.Each one  bloodier and more detestable then the last.

The world came back and with it the blood and body's.But the blood was not on the ground but in the air as it formed words.



The moment he spoke consecutive amounts of snaps could be heard. He turned his head to identify the sound to see the corpses... staring straight at him, eyes devoid of life as blood seeped from the head, mouth, and eyes of the corpses.

Everyone:S w a n d i v e. . .

The lifeless body's started moving towards Izuku. Bits and pieces of there mangled bodies would fall of as they approached while chanting the same word again and again and again.Izuku was pushed against the edge of the building.

Izuku simply looked over the edge and then back,to see the body's have once again fallen limp, no longer apart if the undead.

Izuku took a step back, as he did was he was told.And took a swan dive off the roof of the building.

The fall felt like a life time yet at the same time only a few seconds at the same time.The whole time though all he could was the screams of the people he let down,the people he left, and the people he killed.When he hit the ground he could hear them all say one thing at the same time.

Everybody:If we're really friends, you won't come back.

It has been a few weeks sense Izuku went into a coma, Weiss was waking up, when she saw a unconscious Izuku next to her.She wouldent admit it but she was insanely worried about him, it seems that all he does after fights like before is bleed and fall unconscious.Something is wrong but she doesent know how to help or where to even start. Could he have a disease? Is he not taking care of himself?She wanted to be there for him like he was for her but can't when every time somthing happens this happens.

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