Cats outta the box

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Neo woke up as she was picked up by a man in a white coat and put into a car, the person who put her in the car was Roman Torchwick.

Roman:God that kid is a pain in the ass to fight.... to much bullshit to deal with,with the smoke, tendrils, strength and speed,and the fact he knew his way around a fight.

Neo got up and looked at him, and started to sign.

(FYI when Neo talks, it's just sign language not her actually talking.)

Neo:Told you I was right.He is the green demon from a few weeks back.

Roman chuckles.

Roman:Really? Green demon is what your calling him?

Neo:Well did you catch his name?


Neo:Well there you go, besides he does look like a demon of sorts with the suit on.

Roman:I think it looks more like a humanoid Grimm,with the mask looking like sharp teeth,that 1glowing eye,and the tendrils coming out of his back.

Neo simply shrugged

Neo:Maybe,all I know is he's super cool!

She signed with a happy look as Roman gave a chuckle.

Roman:Well this was all fun but I need to prepare for the heist.And pray he doesn't show up.

We cut to Izuku as he is walking around still looking for Blake while chatting with chara.

Izuku:So out of curiosity,What was I like back then?


Izuku:In my old life.As Cross.

Chara took a minute to think

Chara:Well,you were really determined to keep your loved ones safe.And when things went bad-

Chara starts remembering the X-Event

Chara:-you would do anything for them.

Chara:But you were also a huge prick at times.Not to mention stubborn.

Midoriya gave a light hearted laugh

Izuku:I must have been a real piece of work huh.

Chara:You have no god damn idea.

They continued talking until Izuku heard a familiar voice.

Blake:-all behind a little black bow.

He swiftly looked in the direction of the voice and saw Blake talking with some blond monkey Fannus.

Izuku:(Found you)

He used float to go underneath the balcony to listen in on them.After some time he figured out that they plan on seeing if the white fang were the ones behind the recent robbery's, Blake thinks that it isn't them.
Blake left for the docs while the monkey Fannus said he would catch up,he left to do...something.Izuku is seen floating high above Blake as to not give his location away.

After a few hours it was night and the monkey fannus returned with a bunch of apples.

Monkey:Hey I'm here,stole some food,want one?

Blake:Can't you go without stealing something...

Monkey:Weren't you in a cult?


Blake simply glared at the monkey man,a stare that said "Say that again and I'll shatter you like glass"

Monkey:oooook to soon.

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