ForthBeam: Jealousy

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They had walked outside to sit at the picnic tables. Beam had sat himself across from Forth as he had pulled the bag towards himself to get the cup of coffee that had been safely tucked inside. Although, when he noticed the additional one, he had only looked up at his boyfriend with furrowed brows. "Why did you bring three?" He asked eyeing him with suspicion. Clearly one was for him, but the third one?

"It's for your friend, Oh," Forth said taking out the tray of food out for his beloved. He had opened it and set it in front of him before reaching for the utensils. "You said you were going to stay with him to study. Whenever you two study are always staying here over night. I figured he could use it, too." He said finally sitting down across from him before he was even reaching to grab his own cup of coffee.

That answer had Beam a little surprised, but even so, the corners of his lips were turning upwards into a smile. "Thanks," he said quickly before he was digging into the soup Forth had brought him. It was these little thoughtful things about Forth that he had loved so much, even though they had always been root of his troubles. For a moment he couldn't help but look aimlessly at the green onion floating about in his soup. Forth was always like this with him, that's why his friends thought their relationship was one-sided. Even P'Oh seemed to think so to some extent.

"He looked in a better mood, I suppose he and Pick sorted out their problems," Forth said with a smile as he watched Beam more or less scarf down the soup like if he had been starved.

He had taken a minute to whip his mouth before he was saying, "Now, that you mention it, he does seem like it." He agreed. His friend had been in a much more relaxed mood. Oh was even staying longer after classes and even started to grab lunch with him again. Even the complaints about his sister's boyfriend had seemed to lessen. "That's why he's wanted to cramp in some extra study time." He explained before taking a sit of his drink.

"I'm glad, even Pick has been rather passive. He hasn't been hanging out with us after school as much anymore," Forth said leaning his chin into his palm as he let out a small sigh. "Seems everyone is slowly running off on their own." He said which had Beam slamming his spoon down on the table.

"I'm done, so leave," He said taking Oh's drink with him and leaving a rather confused Forth behind.

"What did I say?" Forth had muttered to himself as he watched Beam leave him there to pick up. "He's always so quick to change his mood." He said smiling to himself, being only far too happy to see Beam had at least gotten some food into him.

While Beam was fuming. He hated to admit it but sometimes he was jealous of the way Forth seemed to miss his friends. He was jealous of their time together. When he had returned back to their table he had just placed the drink in front of Oh in a way that had the other man looking at him with a raised brow. 

"What's the matter? Trouble in paradise?" Oh had teased, clearly noticing his friend's sudden sour mood. Although, he didn't really question the drink and happily took a sip of it. 

"Shut up and drink it!" Beam had hissed before he was shoving himself back into his studies. 

P'Oh had only snickered and sipped at the drink before he was turning towards the stairs when he heard the commotion again. Forth was heading back out and it seemed some girls were trying to follow. "If you keep being like this, maybe one day one of them is going to snatch him right out from under you." 

"Let them try, see if I care," Beam said scribbling angrily into his notebook, though his eyes did wander over to Forth in time to see him blow him a kiss, and with the anger, he currently felt he couldn't help but flick him off instead. 

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