PickRome: Turmoil

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Everything in his head was a giant mess ever since they had come back from that camping trip. Rome had been so determined to go with Din on that stupid trip to get those stupid photos. He had ended up tagging along because he did not want Din around Rome. Even thinking about it now was making him groan in dismay in the middle of class.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Forth had whispered to him when Pick had thrashed the text book to his side of the desk.

"How the hell am I supposed to know," Pick said rubbing his neck as if it would help calm him down. He was pissed, but he had no one else to blame but himself. He wanted to be with Rome but at the same time these stupid feelings he was having for another boy was freaking him out. Especially after he'd let the heat of the moment get him to do THAT with him.


Pick wasn't stupid, even he could see Din was into Rome and the fucker was not being subtle with his attempts to flirt with Rome in front of him. During meal prep, at night, and even during their hike, Din kept getting in the way and it was starting to piss him off. Especially, when they had disappeared off together the next morning leaving him alone.

He didn't know what came over him, but the need to find Rome had clouded his better judgment. He had gone into the wilderness unprepared and gotten himself lost. He wasn't entirely worried about it though, for he had come to find a nice little water fall. 'Rome will like this' he had thought as he continued exploring the grounds and eventually losing track of time.

"P'Pick!" He heard that sweet voice calling out to him.

The anger he had felt from being abandon had long since left him, and was only eager to follow his voice until he was sneaking up behind him, startling Rome. He wanted to tell the smaller boy of his findings, but that look of concern in his eyes had the words getting stuck in his throat.

"P'Pick! I was so worried!" Rome had let out wrapping his arms around the elder so suddenly.

Pick had only slowly wrapped his arm around him. He was just internally feeling so happy to see Rome so worried about him. But that feeling had not lasted, because Din's name was soon leaving Rome's lips.

He didn't know what came over him, but he had this need to keep him here longer and away from Din. Pick just wanted to hear his name replace Din's on Rome's lips, so he kissed him. And that one kiss and Rome's little mewl had Pick pushing for more.


"Well you better figure it out, or I'm going to forget we're friends and actually hit you with the book," Forth had warned as he pushed the book back to Pick's side of the desk just as the professor was dismissing their class.

Pick had only scoffed not really taking the threat seriously. Besides, this was the only class he had with Forth this semester. "Yeah, whatever. I'll see you later," Pick said lazily collecting his things and heading out of the classroom.

"Are we still on for lunch?" Forth had called out to him, but no answer had been given to him. "What's his problem?" He ended up mumbling to himself as he hurriedly fished his phone out when it started ringing.

"Ah, Beam," Forth said with a huge grin.


Instead of going to his next class, Pick had ended up getting in his car and driving 3 hours out to see Porsche. If he put distance between him and the source of his turmoil things would sort themselves out, right?

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