Roxas and Kirihax vs. Riku/A fresh start

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—Day 358—

Roxas and Kirihax had returned to the World that Never Was with one goal in their heads. To stop Xemnas and free Kingdom Hearts. Soon... the Heartless appeared and surrounds the two. Roxas had summoned two Keyblades: Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades. And Kirihax summoned two Keyblades of her own: Empyreal Key and Kingdom Hearts Keyblades.

After defeating the Heartless, Roxas and Kirihax looked up at Memory's Skyscraper to see Riku on the top. They jumped up and ran up towards him. Kirihax threw her Kingdom Hearts Keyblade at Riku who caught it. Riku gasped as he started to have memories of Xion. He flew past Roxas and Kirihax who went on top of the skyscraper. The Heartless surrounded Riku who landed on the ground. Riku saw that the Heartless are about to attack and defeats them with one of Kirihax's Keyblades.

Roxas and Kirihax jumps down the skyscraper and defeats all the Heartless. Then they jumped next to Riku who's having flashbacks of Xion. Roxas, Kirihax and Riku saw each other and jumped back.

"Who are you?" Roxas cried.

Kirihax silenced Roxas and looks at Riku. "Hey... you're Riku, right?"

	"What does it matter?" Riku said to the two

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"What does it matter?" Riku said to the two. "I'm here for both of you."

"Us?" Kirihax was confused.

"Why are you trying to stop us?" Roxas glared at Riku.

"Because I want back the rest of Sora and Hikari's memories," Riku answered.

"Sora!? Hikari!?" Roxas was annoyed.

Kirihax was annoyed as well. "Enough about Sora and Hikari!"

"Do you two have some kind of plan?" Riku asked.

"We'll set Kingdom Hearts free!" Kirihax said. "Then everything will be the way it was!"

"My girlfriend will come back...and the four of us can be together again!" Roxas said to Riku.

"Girlfriend, you say?" Riku said, smirking at Roxas. "You mean Xion? It's a struggle just to remember the name now... Either way, I can't let you guys go doing anything crazy."

"We're freeing Kingdom Hearts and we're going to find Sora and Hikari!" Kirihax said.

"I want Xion back," Roxas said. "We want our lives back!"

"If you two try and make contact with Kingdom Hearts, the last thing you two will get are your lives back," Riku warned Roxas and Kirihax. "The Organization will destroy both of you."

"Enough!" Kirihax shouted as she and Roxas charges towards Riku.

After the battle, Riku sat up and glared at Roxas and Kirihax. "Why!? Why do you have the Keyblades?"

Roxas exchanges looks with Kirihax and turns to Riku. "Shut up!" The two tries to attack Riku but they get knocked out as Riku swings Kirihax's Keyblade. While Roxas and Kirihax are unconscious, they start to have memories of themselves having ice cream with Axel and Xion on the clock tower at Twilight Town. Riku walked up to the two and stabs the Kingdom Hearts Keyblade into the ground. Then he gasped when Roxas and Kirihax regained consciousness. Kirihax picked up her Keyblade and tries to attack Riku who uses Dark Firaga and dodges the attack.

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