Chapter 15

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"I can't wait to marry you, I love you!"

Over the next few days, Jay's fans went from loving to scary. They had built fan pages just to hate on Erin, and Jay wasn't here for it. So he took to his Instagram to defend his Fiancé. So he typed up a draft in his notes before letting his publicist read it. Once he got the approval he posted his letter.

Dear fans,
Many of you may know that I am currently in a relationship, and I know many of you were heartbroken. I love that you all are very interested in my life, but there comes a time when I have to draw a line. Recently a lot of you have been making horrible comments about the beautiful woman I am dating. I want you to listen very closely, if the comments and trolls continue you will leave me no choice but to put my page on private. I know that's not fair to the fans who didn't do anything, but it takes one person to ruin it for everybody. So out of respect for me just try and get to know my girl cause she's gonna be around forever. I'm never losing her again she's the love of my life.

Yours Truly Jay Halstead!

After Jay had finished posting the message he went back to having an amazing afternoon with his girl. To get her completely away from the stress and fans, Jay planned a quick get away trip. One of Erin's favorite places to visit was the cabin in Wisconsin, it was isolated and relaxing. While Erin was sunbathing in the backyard, Jay quickly pack 2 weekend bags for them and loaded them in the car.

Jay walked in the back yard and went straight towards Erin, he pulled his shirt off and laid right across her back.

"You do realize my ass isn't a pillow right?"

"You had me fooled, they are soft just like pillows!"

"Kiss my ass you dork!"

"I have no problem doing that!"

"You're terrible, now what caused you to interrupt my peace?"

"Well, I figured you could use a break from the fans and work. How about we head up to the cabin for the weekend?"

"I would love nothing more, when do we leave?"

"Well the bags are packed and in the car already. So whenever your ready we can go."

"Just let me put some clothes on and I'll be ready!"

Erin ran back into the house and threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. As she walked to the door she slipped on a pair of old trainers, and she was ready to go. Jay was waiting by the front door with a few of her favorite snacks. They both settled in the Car while Nadia drove them to the airport, so they didn't have to take a Uber.

As they arrived at the airport the paparazzi started swarming the truck. Jay did his best to shield her away from the madness but instead one of them knocked Erin over to get to Jay. That's when the bad boy in Jay came out. He started swinging on anyone that was near Erin. He ended up punching the reporter that knocked Erin over in the face. The other reporters was filming the entire incident. Jay helped Erin up and grabbed their luggage. They checked in for their flight and then headed to security. After finally getting through the airport security they both were able to sit down an relax before they needed to board the plane.

As they were sitting down Jay took a closer look at the bruise that was now forming on Erin cheek.

"How bad is it?"

"I mean you still look gorgeous!"

"Babe I'm being serious, how bad is it?"

"It's already starting to turn purple, we need to get you some ice. It should slow the bruising and help with the swelling."

"Excuse me Mr Jay, but my mommy said I could offer your girlfriend an ice pack. Here you go!

"Thanks buddy, we really appreciate you doing that."

"She's really pretty, like a princess!"

"Well one day I'm gonna make her my queen!"

"That's so cool!"

"What's your name buddy?"

"My name William, but everyone calls me will."

"That is awesome, did you know I have an older brother and his name is also William."

"No way! MOM Mr Jay has a brother named William too!"

"Well aren't you a lucky kid!"


Bye Mr.Jay and Miss Jay!"

"Bye buddy!"

"Bye cutie!" You know you were really good with him.

"I love kids, they are amazing!"

"They are amazing, but I think you would be a great dad someday!!"

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