Chapter 20

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"So, the producers have some questions for you, Jay," Mouse stated, a serious expression on his face.

"What kind of questions?" Jay inquired, a hint of concern in his voice.

"They're curious about your connection with Hank Voight and how portraying a cop, especially one with a strong, intimidating reputation like Voight, might impact your public image. They want to make sure it won't affect the marketability of the movie."

Jay sighed, realizing the potential challenge. "I get it. They're worried about the 'bad boy' image conflicting with playing a cop, right?"

"Exactly. But we can turn this into an opportunity. They suggested we showcase the 'behind-the-scenes' process of you learning from a real cop, especially someone like Voight. It could add authenticity to your role and humanize the character."

"That makes sense. So, what's the plan?"

"We'll set up interviews, capture footage of your training, and emphasize the mentorship dynamic between you and Voight. It could be a unique angle that sets this cop role apart from the typical 'bad boy turned good' narrative."

Jay nodded, appreciating the strategic approach. "Alright, let's make it happen. I'll coordinate with Voight, and we'll turn this potential challenge into an asset."

With the plan in motion, Jay started preparing for his trip to Chicago, where he would not only gain insights into the life of a real detective but also strengthen his bond with Hank Voight. Little did he know, this journey would not only shape his on-screen portrayal but also create lasting memories and connections.

Jay and Erin found themselves at a cozy little Italian restaurant, tucked away from the bustling city. The ambiance was warm, with dim lighting and soft jazz playing in the background. They sat across from each other, their hands intertwined.

"I'm so glad we could steal a moment together," Jay said, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

"Me too. It feels like it's been forever since we had some time alone," Erin replied, her eyes reflecting the love she felt.

A waiter approached, and they placed their orders, exchanging glances filled with shared anticipation for the meal ahead. As the waiter left, Jay reached across the table to caress Erin's hand.

"So, how was your day back at work?" Jay inquired, genuinely interested.

"Busy as usual. It felt good to be back, though. But, I missed having you around," Erin admitted, her gaze softening.

Jay leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, I can always quit Hollywood and become your full-time personal assistant. What do you think?"

Erin chuckled, "As tempting as that sounds, I think we can manage our crazy schedules. Besides, I'd miss seeing you on the big screen."

Their laughter filled the air, creating a bubble of intimacy in the busy restaurant. The conversation drifted from work to lighter topics, and they shared stories, dreams, and plans for the future.

"You know, with the wedding approaching, things are going to get even busier," Jay remarked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Erin's eyes sparkled. "I can't wait. It's going to be magical. And, speaking of magic, how about a little dance?"

A soft melody began to play, and Jay stood, extending his hand to Erin. They swayed gently to the music, wrapped up in each other's arms. In that moment, the world outside the restaurant seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them lost in the rhythm of their love.

As the evening unfolded, filled with shared laughter, tender moments, and the joy of being together, Jay and Erin relished the simple pleasure of each other's company, grateful for the stolen moments that made their bond even stronger.

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