During 2037 a child is born in the Kamiya Family named Hikaru. During this time conflict between nations hardened causing the 3rd world war. Little does the family know 15 years from then the Kamiya Clan will perish by the hands of the American military for all but one and that is...
"Prisoner #71780 Hikaru Kamiya, you've been chosen for testing by our beloved military, be honored for you can help us."-prison guard 1
Hikaru age 15 captured as a prisoner of war in his cell watches the guards keep talking without mumbling a word. During this time he has grown to loathe the American government for they took him from his family. To this day he made himself a blood oath cutting his back that he will see them again.
"Hey! Are you listing to us?"-prison guard 2
"Of course dumbass."-Hikaru Kamiya
"Don't talk to me like that you little cunt!"- prison guard 2
*prison guard 2 electrifies Hikaru through the bars with his prison staff*
"Aggghhh!"-Hikaru Kamiya
"Talk to us like that again and you'll be electrocuted longer! Now get up!"
The prison guards take Kamiya and lead him to the testing grounds of Area 51. There and then there was no turning back from the path of fate for Hikaru.
A HERO IS BORNIn the halls while officials are leading Hikaru to testing grounds hikaru starts to get nervous since it's his first time out of the prison. Hikaru walks past transparent yellow cells with mutated people inside. One of which seems to be apart of the U.S military, he has blonde hair blue eyes with a scar that seems of a lighting bolt from his chin up to his forehead. Hikaru also sees people in blue cells one African American male, one American woman one Hispanic male and many other people.
Hikaru arrives to his cell and is given a number.
"Keep care of this number the guards will release you when it's your turn."-agent
(When am I gonna be released?)-Hikaru Kamiya
Hikaru hears faint screaming from a distant room and explosions right after Hikaru feels chills running down his spine with an intense aura coming from the room. This is the first time Hikaru felt this scared and pressured. Minutes pass and a alarms sound off signaling it's time for Hikaru's turn. The guards check his number and confirm him to go.
As hikaru walks in the room he sees the three people from the blue cells and various other people. One person is called up to go inside this large tube as they walk in the door is shut and sealed closed.
"Commencing awakening in 3 2 1."-tester
The tester pulls a lever and a bright white flash seeps out of the door and hikaru feels that same pressure. Hikaru know this will be the night he lives does or has a worse fate. The door is unsealed and open And a mutated man crawls out groaning in pain.
"Help me..."-mutated man
The man explodes and blue sparks fly out of him mixed with blood. Everyone watches in horror as a janitor cleans the mess the door opens and the same thing repeats only some make it out alive but heavily distorted. It's the American's turn and events turn out different than the others when the woman steps out items flow out of her body and she collapses. Doctors rush and pick her up moving her to a different room on a cart. They then call up Hikaru
As Hikaru steps in he is instructed to lay on a cross with Christian and satanic symbols and let the rest happen. Once he is on the metallic crosstown locks him in and lasers point at his arms feet head and heart. The lasers brighten and inflict pain upon Hikaru. Hikaru screams in pain and blue streaks rise from his body and he feels his body get stronger but blood forms billed in his body and pop it is a battle between Hikaru's determination and body during this a limeish hue arises from Hikaru's body along the blue hue and Hikaru's blood stops popping and he breaks free from the cross. The machine stops and the door opens and Hikaru weakly walks out and faints.
Soul:Hikaru chronicles script
ActionA boy is abducted by the U.S military at the age of 15. He makes a promise to get back to his family and see them again but is met with a set of strange powers and a strange group of friends. Will he defeat this corrupt government and see his family...