C H A P T E R T H R E E Woman in chains

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*Two hours before current time*

"Jayden Parker, you are released to come up to the front office with your guards. They will place a neckband around your neck this will block your powers and allow us to safely bring you here."

The door opens and Jayden is released guarded by two guards. The guards put a chain around her neck.

"Why are we going up there? I don't understand why I can't just stay in my cell, and this neckband irritates my skin."

The guards ignore her and take her up to the office where fbi officials interrogate her.

*front office*

Agent #1 slams his papers on the desk in front of Jayden.

"You know how powerful your power can be right youngin."-Agent #1

"No I don't mr..."-Jayden Parker

Jayden reads the nameplate on his shirt outloud

"Dick farson."-Jayden Parker

Jayden bursts out loud laughing at the name of the agent interrogating her

"What kinda name is dick farson, that's so dumb! It sound like dick farts on!"-Jayden Parker

Agent #2 electrocutes Jayden with her taser staff and Jayden screams out in pain while still laughing

"AAAUGGGHHH!!!"-Jayden Parker

"We don't joke around here Parker. We came here for a serious talk... We want you to assassinate Hikaru kamiya." We worry that he may overthrow us. One of our associates who can look into the future told us of what will happen. We will free you and let you go back to your home if you help us. For reference on what he looks like here. This is Hikaru kamiya
He's 5'10 age 15 he has one white eye on his right and one brown on his left all we ask of you is to assassinate him and any people who will try and protect him. If you want with your power you can make a suit for yourself and you can use any weapon of your choice as long as it won't let you escape or other people. We will implant a metal chip in your neck, if you are to betray us we will kill you. Now go off and find him do what ever it takes to kill him."-dick farson

*current time*

Daniel wakes up in a rusty cell with a neckband on him he tries using his powers but it's no use

What is this neck band he thinks to himself

He decides to look for Hikaru in this giant prison he woke up in

"I heard his cell was in the B cells but I don't really remember much but it is a shame to kill a cute boy like him, but hey atleast I can be free from here."-Jayden parker

Jayden cocks her rifle and searches for hikaru

Meanwhile hikaru is walking through the food court he feels an intense presence as if some one is watching him or at least looking for him he searches around to see if someone is going for him. All of a sudden.

BANG. A bullet grazes his arm and he jumps to a sprint toward the safety of the prison halls jayden pulls out a small robot and releases it right after the robot jumps to life and goes after hikaru as Jayden follows in pursuit.

Daniel hears the gunshot and rushes there in hopes that Hikaru didn't get shot.

Hikaru rushes inside a room and tries closing the door but jayden throws a bomb that when explodes Hikaru is pulled to it. Jayden pulls out her rifle and shoots Hikaru.

Another bang goes off this time even more blood is spilt but not Hikaru's.

Right before the bullet went off Daniel jumped in front of Jayden and she misfired and hit Daniel instead.

"I will not let him die. I will protect him with all my life. And I don't believe men shouldn't hit women."-Daniel Rodrigo

Jayden In shock leaves herself open to Daniel's attack and he stabs a plastic knife to her knee knocking her to the ground.

"We'll spare you if you will get these neckbands off of us and help us escape."-Daniel Rodrigo

"I'm sorry but..."-Jayden Parker

Jayden pulls out a dimensional rift from her body through the chain holes and releases robotic bats that go straight for the pair.

"You guys are just too weak right now!"-Jayden Parker

Hikaru gets a table and blocks the bats putting Hikaru and Daniel in safety for that split moment but Jayden pulls out a mini gun and blows out the table destroying it to shreds

"Where do we go!"-Hikaru Kamiya

"Over here!"-Daniel Rodrigo

They go into a hallway but suddenly ants form a giant wall and Jayden corners them

"Nowhere to run nowhere to hide. It's like watching an ant get squished by a human."-Jayden Parker

Jayden opens another rift and blasts out a giant beam. Right at that moment something has awakened in Hikaru. A giant green claw covers Hikaru and Daniel shielding them from the beam. The neckband comes off and Hikaru is able to use his abilities.

"My name is Hikaru kamiya I am 15 years of age I made a blood oath to my family that I will see them again!"-Hikaru Kamiya

The claw goes back in Hikaru's body and he lunges at Jayden with his fist going on a full fist barrage beating up Jayden before she has any time to react. He knocks her to the ground.

"We will spare you regardless if you help us or not I just ask of you to free Daniel from the neckband."-Hikaru Kamiya

"I understand you Hikaru, I was taken from my family when I was 12 years old but unluckily for me my family didn't survive I will help you. They implanted a bomb in my neck so come here I will take off the neckband hurry before they kill me."

Jayden takes off the neckband and says her farewell with a tear but seconds before it goes off Daniel uses his powers to pull out the bomb from her neck

"Now tell us why do they want me assassinated?"-Hikaru Kamiya

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