Who cares? (Pete x Reader)

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a/n: pic credit to milkmateartist on tumblr
i love pete he is best goth boy

"Hey." A boy with black hair and red highlights stood behind a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair while she was getting stuff out of her locker. He flipped his hair as the girl turned around a bit confused. "Oh hi!" She beamed at him, looking directly at his eyes. He was getting nervous and a small blush  started to paint his cheeks. She had such lovely (e/c) eyes. They were like jewels, just 10 times more beautiful.

"So, uh, I like your hair, or something. It looks, uh, nice." He added while glancing down at the floor, feeling more embarrassed by the second. The small girl smiled and started played with her hair. "Ah! Thank you! I like your hair too! It's really cool!" She looked back at him and giggled sweetly, making his blush even worse. 'What the hell... What's this feeling???' He thought to himself as the girl's soft laughter filled his ears.

"Oh, uh, thanks." He flipped his hair and gave her a small smile as his face was getting really warm. He was starting to feel like a jackass just standing there like an idiot. 'What the fuck?? Why can't I talk to her? She's just a conformist, why is it so fucking hard? Wait, why am I even talking to her?' He thought while she smiled back at him. Her (e/c) orbs just piercing his heart, he could feel them burning him up inside.

"Um, It was nice talking to you. I'll go now." He started walking away, feeling more stupid. 'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' He thought to himself. "Wait!" She walked behind him trying to stop him. "You haven't even told me your name, what is it?" The small girl touched his shoulder making him look back in shock, his blush was getting way too obvious. "Uh, Pete. It's Pete. Thelman. Pete Thelman." He flipped his hair and looked at the floor hoping she wouldn't bother. "Well, it's nice to meet you Pete! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! I hope we can be good friends!" The bell rang and she quickly waved goodbye. "I'll see you later! Bye Pete!"

"Yeah. Later." He stood there watching her (h/l) (h/c) swing as she ran. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, yet all he could think about was her smile. An innocent smile, yet it felt like it was stabbing his heart over and over. 'What the hell is wrong with me. Why couldn't I talk to her. Why is she making me feel this way. I didn't even ask her out or anything, am I that fucking stupid? I'm goth, this isn't fucking normal. Fuck.' The halls were empty and he was still processing what happened. 

"She smells nice though. Like roses. Wait. Why did I say that."

"So, how'd it go, moron." Michael walked towards him from behind the wall. Pete didn't respond. "Did she call you an emo? Or did she tell you to fuck off like we told you she would?" Michael lit up his cigarette without looking at the shorter male. "No." Pete replied while flipping his hair. "Then what's the matter? Did you ask her out or are you that big of a pussy." He puffed out some smoke without any emotion. Pete looked up at the taller goth with an annoyed look. "Why do you care. You told me to fuck off when I told you, Henrietta told me that the girl would use me like a tampon, and Firkle called me a pussy bitch. None of you are even helping me, I know she's different, something about her just-" "Alright, I honestly could not give a shit about how much you want to fuck this girl. She's going to say no. She's a conformist, you're goth. Just give up on it." Michael snapped as Pete rolled his eyes. 'I'm not going to give up on her. She's perfect. I can make her mine.' He thought to himself before heading outside with Michael.


"You honestly think you can get a conformist girl? Since when did you become a lover boy." Henrietta points out without looking at Pete. "She said she liked my hair. That's a start or whatever." He flipped his hair while looking annoyed at her. "You're fucking stupid. Why can't you understand that." Firkle added making Pete scoff at him. "Okay I get it, it's my fucking choice though. I like her, she's a good person." "Who said anything about her liking goths though. She probably doesn't even know we exist." Michael glared at his friend while waving his cigarette around.

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