Shameless (Thomas x Reader)

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A/N: credit to luc-eed on tumblr (dm for removal) what a cutie

It was a nice day outside, sunny with just a few clouds outside. (Y/n) was walking to the store to buy some things she needed. As she shopped, she heard someone shout obscenities in the next isle, yet it sounded like they couldn't control it. "COCK!" she heard a voice yell out in a distressed manner. She peeked behind the shelf, seeing a blonde boy twitch every time he yelled out a curse word. "ASSHOLE!" He looked around upset, like he didn't want anyone to hear. 'He's embarrassed... Poor kid..." (Y/n) decided to move closer to him. "H-Hello!" The small girl waved to the boy, who's eyes widened in fear. "H-Hi- SH-SHIT!" He yelled, causing her to stop walking, but she didn't flinch or look offended. 

"My name's (Y/n)! What's yours?" She gave him a small smile, causing him to calm down a bit. "S-SHIT! M-My name's Thomas." He said, obviously uncomfortable. "Nice to meet you Thomas!" She replied calmly, learning slowly on ignoring his sudden outbursts. "COCK!" Thomas yelled, immediately covering his mouth. "I-I'm sorry! I h-have to- COCK! COCK! -go!" He started walking away from her, embarrassed. "N-No! Thomas! It's okay! Don't worry about me! I just wanted to meet you and be your friend!" Thomas stopped and faced her with a sad expression. "Gah... It's just that I have Tourette's... FUCK! God I hate it... It makes me embarrass myself. BITCH!" He replied, avoiding chances to look at her. 

"You're here for a reason right?" (Y/N) walked closer, making the boy look away. "Y-Yeah I wanted to buy something,- TITS! -but now I don't want to. I'll just embarrass- FUCK! -myself" he said before looking at the ground. "Don't be embarrassed, if you want, I can help you!" The (h/c) haired girl smiled at the boy.

"H-How?" He looked at her with a concerned look. "I'll stay by your side okay?" She reached for his hand, making him blush softly but pulled it away in retaliation. "I'll- C-COCK! -embarrass you too..." "No you wont! Trust me!" She held his hand again gently. "O-Okay..." He held her hand before going back to shopping. She helped him as much as she could. She would stay behind him, making sure he was calm and wouldn't run away in fear of people talking about him. Whenever someone would talk about him, she would snap and defend her new friend. "He can't control it! How fucking dare you think it's a joke! You don't know what he fucking goes through! Don't you fucking ever say anything about him!" She roared as Thomas was more surprised over her fiery attitude.

As they spent more time together, Thomas grew to like the smaller girl. She was gentle and kind. She didn't make fun of him or get annoyed with his outbursts. She understood him and didn't baby him like he expected her to. (Y/n) liked Thomas too, he was a sweet kid and he enjoyed her company. He would smile more and even laugh sometimes. He would still get embarrassed when he cursed at her but she told him that it was alright. 'He doesn't deserve to hide... He's super sweet... He shouldn't be so hateful of himself...' the (h/c) haired girl thought to himself while the blonde boy was finishing up.

After they finished shopping, the small girl exited with the blushing boy, while still holding hands. "F-FUCK! T-Thank you." Thomas smiled at the small girl, making her nod in approval. "No problem!" She beamed happily. "Here's my number!" She wrote it on a small paper along with a cute happy face. "Call me for anything! I love being with you! You're so sweet!" She happily told him as the boy blushed at her compliments.

"D-Do you want to go- DICK! -somewhere together?" He offered, making the small girl blush but nod happily. "Yeah! How about Stark's pond later? I can buy you something! Is there anything you like?" she asked while clapping her (f/c) mittens together. "F-FUCK! I like b-brownies..." He replied softly. "Okay! I'll see you later than Thomas!" She kissed his cheek before and waving back as she left. Thomas touched the cheek she kissed, feeling warm for what she just did. 'That girl... She treats me like... A friend... She defends me... Yet doesn't baby me... She's... so cool... She's so... Wonderful..." The boy walked to his house, happy about the new girl he met. When he arrived he immediately started to get ready, excited for his very first date.

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