Chapter 7: Why Bully Me? (Yuri x Celina)

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Celina was sitting at her desk, she was off in her own world. She was minding her own business. Her seat was in the back, near a back window. She had her eyes focused on a book.

Unknown to her, a purple-haired boy was quietly observing her in silence. "Hey!" She had lost concentration on her book since she felt the impact of crumpled up pieces of paper being thrown at her face. "Quit it!"

She glared at a boy, Yuri, who had his desk across from her. He had sheets of paper on his desk because he was using it to crumple it up into a paper-ball. And to use as his ammo to continue hitting Celina's face.

"Stop it!" Celia shouted, dropping her book on her desk.

Yuri laughed in amusement, he threw a couple more paper balls at Celina. He then got a straw and inserted paper spitballs inside of them. He spit the spitballs, which flung into Celina's ponytail.

"EW!" Celina said, shaking her hair around, trying to get the spitballs out. "You're so disgusting! That's it!" She got up from her desk. "I've had it with you, Yuri!" She got up and grabbed him by his shirt collar in anger.

"Ms. Celina!" The duel academy teacher said. "Just what do you think you are doing, disturbing my class?"

"Disturbing your class? I'm not the one doing that. Yuri is! He has been throwing spitballs at me and paper at my face! I was about to give him a piece of my own mind!"

"I don't care! I don't want any disturbance in my class. And, no fighting either. Both of you. You and Yuri, go to detention now." The teacher pointed out the open door. "OUT! I will not have any students misbehave here at Duel Academy. This is a very strict and private school."

Celina's eyebrows turned dark, expressing her anger. She stormed out of the classroom, while Yuri followed her. He chuckled, walking by her side.

They went inside the detention room. No other teachers were in the room either, so it was just them too. But they couldn't leave the room as they were being monitored by the cameras that were on the ceiling.

"Thanks to you, I got detention.. that I don't deserve to have! You ruined my reputation as a good student, Yuri! I will get you, back for this!" Celina yelled, sitting at a desk.

"Oh, Celina." Yuri was sitting next to her. "I sure like seeing you all mad and riled up. You give out quite a zesty flavor for me to enjoy. I like bugging you, it's my only source of entertainment around these parts. It's my speciality."

"I don't understand. I've never done anything bad to you. I am a good student. Why do you bully me so much, Yuri? You're always getting me into your mess, somehow. When, I'm not looking for trouble. It's really annoying, you know!? I don't like it all!" said Celina.

"I got you detention on purpose. To be isolated with you." Yuri had a smirk on his face.

"On purpose? Why would you do that? Why would you want to be isolated with me in a room, where it's just us together in it? I don't understand?"

"Look. This isn't easy for me to say to you. But, the reason that I bully you and pick on you a lot at class is because I have feelings for you. I feel romantically about you, Celina. And those feelings of mines that I have for you. I don't know how to express them in a normal-healthy way. I'm not really good with emotions, myself." Yuri spoke the truth.

"I'm sorry, if it comes out harsh. I realized that I act like a jerk towards you. I just didn't know how else to tell you how I feel, since I really like you. And, you are the most popular girl in school with such a good reputation and the highest grades here at Duel Academy. I thought you would be the type of girl that wouldn't ever take their time out of their day to ever notice me. Or even, look at me in the eye." He got up from his seat and stood in front of Celina's desk. "I just didn't know what else to do? Or to think? I only saw that as the only option for me to try to get you alone with me in a room, so that I can speak to you privately about it?"

"Yuri." Celina said, getting up from her desk. "Wow. That sure is a lot of you to say. I applaud you for having the courage to say and express that to me. Because that sure takes guts, with telling the truth and being open about expressing your feelings."

She gazed into Yuri's eyes, taking both of his hands together, touching them with her hands. "Which I know can be really difficult for a guy like you. I think that's kind of you to say that." she said. "Look, I like rebellious guys but can you please tone it down a bit? And stop bullying me and picking on me during class? Because it's not nice and I don't like people who do that."

She removed her hands off of his. She then turned her back to him, looking away from him. She crossed her arms showing that she was serious. With her eyes closed, she said, "Look, Yuri. I feel flattered by some of the things that you said to me. But honestly. I don't like mean guys who don't disrespect me. I would never date a jerk like that."

"Celina! I'm so sorry for being mean to you." Yuri went down on his knees on the floor and begged for forgiveness. "I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I just didn't know how to express the emotions that I have for you. And I didn't know what else to do. I don't really know much about romance. I'm not a love-expert. But, please forgive me. I promise that I will change and treat you better. Stop bullying you. Treat you like a normal person. I will even start respecting you. Please, just give me a chance to be a part of your life!" he put his head down, bowing to her. "I will work hard to make an effort to get into your good side. Please."

"Okay, okay. Since you begged for forgiveness and gave me an apology. And asked me so nicely." said Celina. "I will give you a chance, then. To be a part of my life."

Yuri got back up on his feet and hugged Celina. "Yay! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Yuri." Celina blushed, from feeling affection from Yuri. "That's enough. Uh--"

"So, what should we start with? First?" asked Yuri. "Hugging? Hand holding? What's that thing called with the lips?"

"Kissing?" Celina asked, being confused.

"Yes. The smooching." Yuri kissed Celina on her lips, making her face break out in a bright red color.

"Y-Yuri," Celina felt flustered. "I-I...didn't know you were going to do that. But let's please take things slow then? Okay? I don't want to rush whatever relationship we have going on with each other. For now, let's just keep it to ourselves. I don't want the whole school and student body finding out."

"Sure." Yuri smirked. "I do enjoy keeping secrets. It's like we're both forbidden lovers." he chuckled. "That's just the way that I like it."

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