spencer Reid-books and nooks

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hello my lovelies!! i hope you had or have an amazing day,

this fanfic if for spencer simps. Bye bye for now my loves!

Y/N-your name

you stirred in your sleep before waking up finding it strange that you didn't have a call that you were late then you remembered it was your day off, you slept some more but overall felt you needed to get up before you destroy your schedule and end up sleeping over time tomorrow

you got up and made breakfast an got dressed it was nothin too fancy just a pair of black stockings and a black skirt/pants paired with a white jumper ...you thought about the team and how the would probably tease you for wearing such fancy clothes (you didn't wear stuff like this at work) you grabbed your bag and put your purse, glasses, gum and airpods in.

you made your way to your favorite café "hey Y/N, do you want the usual?" you greet the barista with a smile and nod. as soon as you get your coffee you head back to your car and start to drive to the library sipping your coffee at most of the red lights. when you came to the parking lot you downed your coffee and grabbed the book you have to return from the glovebox. you walked in to see the librarian, a sweet old lady "hi Mrs. willhop" "hello dear" she says as you place the book on the desk "you're not at work?" she asks while scanning the book "uh no I have a day off today" "oh, good to hear your taking breaks ever since you got that job I barely see you" you two chat for a while then she says she better get back to work as you go off to find a new book to read.

while you were in the historical section you grab the other boylyn girl and alias grace then start making your way too the art section. you passed by the math's section as saw a familiar vest you looked again but no body was there "they just walked into the next isle, its not a ghost they don't even exist" you scold your childish mind"

spencer's pov

i woke up early in the morning and made my way to my kitchen to make a coffee until i saw that we were out of milk...shit...I mentally curse myself as i forgot to bring home milk on my way home yesterday. i decided it would best to just go get coffee from a nearby café rather then go out now and get just milk. I might got to the library too. i walked into the coffee shop and saw a familiar person leaving, was that Y/N?. i ignored it and ordered my coffee "name?" the barista asked "spencer Reid" i told him, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow for a second be fore speaking "do you by any chance work with a Y/N?" i nodded "ahh so your the spencer, they come her a lot...talks about you a lot too" i smiled at knowing that they talk about me.

as i made my way to the parking lot i saw what looked to be Y/Ns car but then again there would be multiple models of their car . i returned all my books and made my way to the math's section to see Y/N, i decided i would say hi later because i saw someone reach for the only copy of the book that i wanted no..needed it.\

your pov shawty

you found a spot near the corner of the library where you knew not many people would find you, you liked reading peace without having people interrupt, you put on your music an started playing nod by lo mimieux. you read along until you saw someone walking towards you to find spencer? "oh spence hi" "hello" you both say in a whisper "can i uh sit here with you?" spencer asked almost nervous "of course" you smiled as you grabbed your bag so he could sit down, he brings our his book that he picked out " what are you reading" you both say at the same time...you thought he was annoyed at you but then he started laughing you laughed with him.

you grabbed your airpods and held out one to him, he took it and his face lit up when he heard the music

"i didn't know you liked this kind of music"

"i act different at work then when I'm by myself"

"I can see you even dress different"

you both laugh again this time everything went silent for a few seconds until swan lake started playing and you both leaned in then you felt his lips against yours. the kiss just felt right with the music in the background, it was a pure kiss and it felt like electricity.

i hope you enjoyed this : ) have a wonderful day/night my lovelies and remember you are worth it, you are amazing, you are pretty and you are someone's world even though it may not seem it or your thinking "no im not" well you are <3


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