derek morgan-unsub

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TW y/n gets kidnapped in this so if that dosnt sit well with you skip this one shot or read with caution
hey lovelies sorry for not updating I've been really unmotivated and stuff so yeah:)

Your heart pounded and so did your head
A million thoughts went through your mind like "where the hell am I"
"Where is everyone else
Among other things


You currently were at a police station in Texas working on a case.
"Yes sir?" You ask think it was hotch
"Sir?" At this you look up to find that it is not hotch rather Derek Morgan your co-worker and friend
Silence came across both of you ....then you both burst out laughing

~end of flashback 1~

Now you were no where near Derek but in this maze of a house your hair was a mess, you had no idea what time it was or how long you have been in this house.

you were aimlessly walking around being extra carful not to alert the wrong people. You were used to having the upper hand, yet for the first time you had felt helpless...defeated maybe but you knew you needed to get out with all your hope.


you were at the ME with emily when you got the first call,you thought it was just morgan pranking you until morgan was right in front of you while you answered the 4th or the 5th call.... "Y/L/N, you look like a ghost" you were shocked at a loss from words as you just handed the phone to moran"hello?" he greeted with a confused face

"they're next"

"who...who is next"


"Who is this, and who is they"

"they are standing right in front of you godammit"

silence ran through both ends until morgan spoke up

"we will find you and when i do ill make sure you stay locked behind bars for years"

"Tick-tock agent"

~end of flash back 2~

you stopped at the end of the hallway you have been through about 10 times already and ran your fingers through your hair. how did you not see it coming the unsub told derek i was next...but why didnt Derek tell me?. This whole thing could've been avoided!

you heard footsteps coming closer and closer to you,you hid in the closest room, you turn around and scan the room. Your shocked and nearly choke on your heart as you realise that this is the same room all of his other murders were filmed.

you tried your best to ignore the stench of rotten bodily fluids and dried blood on the table in front of you as you hid in the room begging that someone would come save you


the phone call ended and you and Derek made eye-contact as if asking if one another was okay silently. then you both made your way to wherever hotch was. derek called out for hotch and silence ran through the three of you...did he expect me to talk you look over at him and he nods at you "well um i was getting calls and i got about 4 or 5 before i actually found out that morgan wasnt pranking me and im really really sorry sir-" you rambled on panicking until he stopped you "hold on hold on hold mean to tell me that you got calls from our unsub and thought it was derek"....."yes sir'

"your an FBI agent,Y/N why the hell would derek be joking about the unsub"
"I-I know sir I'm sorry-
"I don't wanna heart it Y/N"
It hurt to be yelled at in front of everyone, you were embarrassed, you felt like a little kid. So small and belittled to everyone else, all though hotch meant the best,your own insecurity made yourself think negatively.

"Cmon hotch- it's something I would do-" Derek says seeing how quiet you got 

"no its not and you know it,your just backing her up"

"hotch thats not true"

"yes it is" wanting this conversation done with "your just lying you wouldnt to that, not even on an important case like this"

~end of flash back~

god your so stupid you thought...hotch was right i should have known,why would derek make a prank so serious when you have a case

you shouldnt have left the station, you should have stayed and worked out what the hell was going love your job but would hotch even let you keep it?

there will be a part two cuz this rlly long : )

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