x. second prince

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"Let what happened be a lesson that the both of you can no longer go anywhere dangerous."

Yeosang took a sharp intake of breath as he tenderly wiped a cloth along Chaehwa's arms. Though he might be tense about the incident, his gestures and face remained composed.

I wanted to explain myself and ramble my great regret for what occurred but with one single look from the blonde-haired, I pressed my lips into a thin line.

"It's fine now, both of you are alive. That's all that matters." Yeosang added as he placed the cloth back into the basin, casting his gaze to Chaehwa as her eyes remained close.

It's evening, the sun finally came to set and the moon shone within the large palace infirmary we are in. I still have not recovered from the shock— Though, she passed out from the loss of blood I was still beyond grateful her health wasn't drastically harmed.

"You can't move too much, your injury is still healing." The voice of Yeosang interrupted me from my thoughts, casting my gaze. Relief churned within me at the sight of the newly awakened midnight-haired.

"Where are we?" Came her hoarse voice. Yeosang quickly prepared water whilst I gently held her hand to answer her question.

"We are in the palace infirmary-"

"The palace?" Chaehwa voiced with wide eyes before she nudged the water Yeosang offered away.

"Are you alright now? Feeling better?"

Chaehwa ignored the blonde-haired as her temples creased further. "What are we doing here? Which one of you chose high-privileged accommodations from a palace doctor-"

"No, Chaehwa," I quickly interrupted her as I held her warm hands along with my cold ones. "The woman we rescued turned out to be the First-Ranking concubine of the King." And as soon as those words left my mouth I could see how her eyes enlarged.

"Really?" Her mouth dropped in disbelief before her eyes swept side to side as if wanting to catch a glimpse of the luxurious palace.

"Yes really," Yeosang remarked. "We ended up here because you took women helping women to another tier."

Hearing this, Chaehwa dryly sneered. "I did the right thing though I got stabbed," She firmly faced him, "it could be me in her shoes instead."

And with her words, none of us could respond.

"But good things come tenfold after doing good. Do you see? The woman I saved ended up being the First-Ranking Concubine of the King. We can be given a decree!" Chaehwa exclaimed but as soon as the last word came out of her mouth, she winced from the pain in her shoulders and Yeosang immediately came to tend to her.

We can be given a decree. Her words continued to echo within my mind.

Suddenly, a series of knocks reverberated through the room, interrupting our contemplative silence.

With a sense of apprehension, I rose from my seat, the unexpected interruption weighing heavily on my mind. What could bring someone here at this hour?

As I swung the heavy door open, a young servant stood before me, her head lowered as she delivered a message.

"My Lady, you've been summoned by the First-Ranking Concubine to her study right now."

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now