xi. devilish

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A young man stumbled through the intoxicating haze, his speech slurred from the effects of alcohol within a large garden.

Pointing unsteadily in a certain direction, he addressed with a drunken grin. "You see that squirrel over there?"

His companion, struggling to focus, followed his gaze. "That one?"

"Yes," The man with dishevelled red locks replied, his inebriation fueling his enthusiasm. "Isn't it the most graceful creature you've ever seen?"

But his companion's response was far from complimentary. With a scowl, he shook his head. "Hell no, that squirrel looks like it got caught in an ugly stick fight."

The man in the wheelchair, offended by the disparaging remark, shot him a glare. "It is not! You need to get your eyes in check!"

The other man, equally offended, retorted, "Shouldn't it be the other way around? That squirrel is ugly, not only are you crippled but you also can't see a villainous rodent when it's right in front of you, two in one!"

Their heated exchange escalated, their voices rising in anger as the tension thickened. Before the red-haired man could finish his retort, his wheelchair was violently pushed forward, sending him crashing to the ground.

The commotion drew the attention of nearby servants, who watched with trepidation. Fearful of the potential violence, they hesitated to intervene, wary of their displayed anger.

"Do you want me to send you again to the palace doctor?!" He threatened, his frustration boiling over in a drunken haze.

The crippled man then forcingly threw his wheelchair towards him, also making him stumble to the ground.

"Jongho you infuriating bastard! Get out of my sight, my eyes hurt with your ugly face!" The lilac-haired screamed and crippled man merely attempted to get on his feet, but failed miserably.

"Wooyoung!" The man named Jongho screamed after the latter attacked something crucial in his body. "Why did you kick my balls after I did not agree with you?! Most people get over it, not attack someone's manhood!"

Oh, what a night indeed.


Within a wide room, the large curtains completely concealed the glorious moonlight.

The scent of wine enveloped the chamber as a young man silently lounged down on a chair. His ominous eyes read the scrolls resting on the table in front of him.

He has high cheekbones and a sharp, narrow nose that give his face a striking appearance, complemented by his jet-black eyes that seem to pierce through anyone who dares to meet his gaze. His dark hair is styled back, framing his face as it drapes over his ears with an air of effortless sophistication.

The room he sat in was enormous, a reflection of his status as the Prince. Luxurious carpets and military finery add to the atmosphere while multiple candles casted a soft glow across the room, creating an ambience that is both imposing and oddly pleasing.

It was all silence, but not when there was constant pestering of a beautiful, young woman.

"Stop talking to me, I'm already in a terrible mood." Seonghwa warned with a dark edge to his voice.

"Right, and am I supposed to care?" She cunning smirk curved her lips upwards, slowly twirling the glass of wine she had in hand.

The prince immediately glared at her, his eyes like daggers before returning to his work. That instantly made her chuckle, never once afraid of the silent menace his nuance emitted.

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