chapter 3 thunder and storms.

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Denki pov

I am sitting in my last class and I am drowning in my thought when I feel somebody touch my arm. Its Shinsou. At the moment he is the last person I want to see. He claps his hands and I let out a screech. He starts laughing and makes the cutest face ever. I can't do anything but smile at him. We then get shut up by mister Aizawa. After class is finished I ask him if he wants to hang out. He first says no but after asking again and again he finally says yes. We walk to our locker together. But as soon as we arrive at the door it starts to rain really hard. We don't have an umbrella, so what are we going to do now. 

3de person pov

Denki: do you think we could just run and make it to the dorms?

Shinsou: no Denki that is not a good idea.

Denki: why not?

Shinso: because you have an electric quirk and it looks like there is going to be a storm. and I rather not get electrocuted when I walk next to you. You are like a walking Pikachu. 

Denki: ooo... yeah that's true then I guess we are stuck here until the storm is over. Do you want to go to the projection room?

Shinso: Why?

Denki: Because we can watch a movie on the big screen. I can just use my quirk to activate the projector and breaks the electric lock on the door. I know it will work because I and the bakusquad have already done this like 10 times.

Shinso: Uhggg why. Why are you like this, you are really just a little villain you know?

Denki: yeah yeah I know, lets goooo.

When they arrive at the projection room

Denki: What type of movie do you want to watch?

Shinso: I don't really care what we watch, but maybe a horror movie?

Denki: hmmm yeah we can watch a horror movie.

Denki pov

I am a really big baby if it comes to horror movies but if that is what he wants to watch I guess we are watching a horror movie. We sit on the floor and start the movie. Every time something scary happens I move closer to Shinso. And at the end, I am completely crawled up against him. He doesn't say anything though. When I realise how close I am to him I jump back. We quickly cleaned up and made everything look like how it looked when we arrived and walked back to the front door.  When we arrive back it's already time for dinner and everybody is heading to the table. So we also head there. I take a seat next to Kiri, who is sitting next to bakugou. They're holding hands under the table, but I act like I don't see it. Shinsou goes ahead and sits next to Sero who is being cute with Todoroki.

Bakugou is bi, Kiri is gay, Sero is pan and todoroki is gay (I think).

They're all really open about it. I am thinking about coming out so that I have somebody to talk to about my issues and insecurities.  I think I can talk to Kiri about it, he is my best friend and he also came out to me ( I was the first person he told) But for now, I am just going to eat diner and admire Shinsou 

I think I finally feel okay about myself

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