xii. malicious star

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The merciless, terrifying, and cold-blooded Park Seonghwa.

The Infamous Prince of the three kingdoms, that whose name, Park Seonghwa alone brought fear to anyone's knees. Word has said that heads will fly whenever he is displeased and his sword is stained with thousands of blood; a testament to his vicious reputation.

For as long as he lived, people blamed him for every distraught, misdeed and natural disaster for they believed he was born under a malicious star. And that his existence brings misfortune to everyone he crosses.

Park Seonghwa is a tyrannical Prince, the Malicious Star whose sheets are stained with sin. Not only that, but he also had a malevolent dragon to call— a ferocious dragon who was said to dwell within the trenches of the underworld.

No animal, needless to say, a dragon would want to tie its soul to a weak human, but the Prince became an exception.

There are different realms and other empires with monarchies that can shift into majestic animals, some of them may have gone lost and have found themselves in this Kingdom or even migrated. The dragon Seonghwa had a soul contract with is said to be a powerful princess who was cursed to be a dragon for eternity, but with having a connection with a human, she can manage to morph into a human or a dragon for as long as she desires.

Seonghwa is beyond powerful with the connection he had and messing with him could only represent you, attempting to dig your own grave.

And I am indeed, digging one right now.

Within the blink of an eye, the Prince swiftly moved across the carriage. Instantly pinning me down he pointed a spiky tip on my neck. I smirked at this. But still, I gave no reaction.

Oh, I got his nerves there.

"Aren't you going to scream?" The sides of his lips curled as if waiting for the time I would be trembling in fear.

It must be new to him to see a shameless woman like me talk to him so casually that he won't even hesitate to pull out his dagger. Unbelievable, how fragile is his anger?

"Am I supposed to?" My head lifted and boldly stared back at those black eyes.

Our gazes locked with an intensity that is overflowing and my smirk could only widen when I added, "Me screaming will only make me a coward, Me screaming for help wouldn't change my destiny. My life is in your hands, my dear patient." I emphasized the word patient, reminding him of my sole business here.

I caught how annoyance flashed through his face, a depth of anger that is both menacing and trepidating. It was obvious how fuming mad he is by how the dagger on my neck was pushed slightly deeper than it used to be. My façade slightly faltered when I felt a warm liquid trickle down my neck.

He is starting to endanger my life and If he doesn't stop now I have to do something.

"Besides, why would I plead for help when I can just do this?" My hands swiftly snatched something under my dress and did what I intended. My actions were so quick and precise that he wasn't even able to keep up with my gesture.

And before I knew it, surprise cracked on his emotionless face as he slowly glanced down on his croth.

"What do you think you are doing?" His voice became deeper, his anger intensifying.

I could only welcome the pain the dagger had on my neck with open arms. My tolerance to pain is quite high which made me maintain my emotionless face with ease. I can never let this man think I am terrified of him.

"If my spirit will leave this place I will make sure to bring your third leg with me, and that could only mean if you'll kill me, you'll lose your penis."

Was my nonchalant response, holding the dagger firm on his crotch.

"Are you threatening me?" He lifted his head from his legs and his voice now carried poison. The previously heated temperature of the carriage drastically dropped cold.

"it's going to be fair. I'll lose my life and you'll lose your third leg, it's a win-win situation isn't it?"

I can feel how he tilts the dagger to the side and panic settles in me, thinking of how I should get out of this situation. My hands snatched something from my pockets and held it above my head.

It immediately caught his attention and when he was about to say a word, I interrupted him.

"I know who abducted your mother," I spoke without tearing my gaze off of him, the dagger on his crotch too was still there.

At the mention of his mother and the recent abduction, he lifted his gaze and halted the dagger he had in hand.

"This was their emblem. I managed to have it before they fled."

I visibly noticed how he extended his other arm to grab the emblem but I quickly dodged my arm so he wouldn't be able to reach out. Scowling, he faced me.

"Hand it to me," His voice was firm and full of authority.

"If you put the dagger out of my neck."

His obsidian eyes pierced at me like a famished hawk, signalling me to pull the dagger on his crotch away and I deliberately did. I heaved a silent sigh as soon as I felt the dagger in my neck disappear.

The moment he directed the dagger away he immediately grabbed the emblem without warning.

And there, silence cloaked the carriage, I glanced at the Prince as he observed the emblem he had on hand. His jaw visibly moved side by side and I doubt it was either because he was itching to kill me or because of the people who abducted his mother.

He clasped the emblem on his palms and moved his gaze at me. His eyes somewhat resembled a blade, seemingly piercing me with those glances of his.

But they were beautiful. Where have I seen them again?

"Let's get straight to the point," He spoke out of the blue.

"I doubt that you can cure me but for the sake of my mother's persistence, I am abiding by whatever bids you do. But the moment you fail to cure me. We are going to divorce." His voice was hard and firm, coldness lacing his tone.

Silently scoffing at his aggressive demeanour, I interrupted him.

"Eight months,"

He raised a brow.

"Give me eight months to cure you. This is our contract. Once eight months is over we are going to separate paths."

"In public, you must have to stand the fact that I will be acting like a wife towards you, and within the walls of this palace I am going to help you recuperate as your doctor. All you had to do was have faith in me and my abilities during these eight months. And after that, we are going to divorce. Do you agree?"

He was silent but his piercing gaze was hovering on mine, seemingly on a deep thought. And after a breathless moment, he finally spoke.

"Eight months it is." He coldly spat, playing with the silver dagger he had on hand like a harmless toy. "I'm doing you a favour by sparing your life, so don't smite me during these months."

As if I can promise anything, you grumpy prince.


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