viii. shameless

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It's unbelievable how much my life was going to change in just two days.

And just like that, I am already married.

But much to my dismay, it's not out of love.

The extravagant details of the castle came clearer into my view. The castle of Cerys was beyond breathtaking. The sandstone walls, large open windows, and four towers loomed over my head as I looked around. The four towers connected, while there were two gatehouses for entering and exiting the courtyard. The castle itself had four different wings, and three levels on each of them.

The South wing housed multiple courtyards, the King and Queen's chamber and all of the Prince's. The North wing had a ballroom, a dining hall, a large kitchen and a library. The East wing, held the armoury, blacksmith and bedrooms for the high-ranking guards and servants. And that could only mean not only did I become a married woman, but also a chance to stay in such lavish confines.

I broke out of my thoughts when a tall man blocked my way. My tracks came to a stop, my eyes slowly widening as I registered the face before me.

Jeong Yunho.

He had a bright grin on his face, and just when he was about to lower his head and say something out of courtesy, my utter scream made him pause.


That made him freeze on his shoes, his temples slightly creasing as he lifted his head.

"Pardon, My lady?"

And with that response, a frown sprawled across my face.

Maybe he truly isn't the same person I thought he would be, because my secretary would've recognized our secret word!

A slight disappointment flickered inside of me but I instantly stifled it. There's no use in hoping that he might be the same person. "Forget what I said, you are?"

Acting oblivious to his name just so I could fill the tension I caused, I shot him my charming grin which he instantly eased, slightly lowering his head with the same smile I hadn't seen for a year.

"My lady, this servant's name is Jeong Yunho." He declared. "Starting from now my body will be your shield and my strength will be your sword. My life will also belong to you, as it belongs to Prince Seonghwa."

As I registered every word he spoke, my eyes slowly widened in disbelief. Not only am I becoming an honoured Lady, but also have a guard by my side?

The last time I was treated like a pedestal was back then in the modern world. But now, it's a different case. I'm about to be treated on a pedestal now that I am involved with a Prince.

"You don't have to lower your head," My voice stammered through my surprise. Yunho complied and his gaze instantly fell into my neck, worry flickering across his features.

"My Lady, you're bleeding."

He pertained to the wound Seonghwa caused during our time from the carriage, oh that dreadful memory. My hands instinctively reached out to touch the dried blood before he stopped my hands, instantly grabbing something from his pockets which turned out to be a roll of gauze.

My lips pressed into a thin line as he surveyed my wound. If he hadn't pointed it out I would have totally forgotten about it.

Yunho slightly gazed into my eyes, as if to search for an assurance that it was okay to touch me, but I responded with a reassuring nod to suggest that I truly don't mind.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now