xi. retrouvailles

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My steps echoed within the massive, secluded hallways. I exhaled a fair amount of air when I halted before a monumental black door, the sole indication of the Second Prince's room.

Extending my knuckles and knocked on the door whilst shifting my weight side by side as I anticipated a response inside the chamber. And after a fleeting moment, a low but audible voice uttered a 'Come in'

I compiled my strength to open the door and I was immediately greeted by a murky room, the curtains barred any natural light and candles merely illuminated the area.

I expected a reeking, unkept chamber but scanning the neat military finery that lined the shelves, pristine large bed, sterile workspace, and the comforting fume of chamomile incense swarming my nose surely has taken me aback. This is not something I would expect from an indifferent prince whom I thought wouldn't even care about keeping any mess away.

I may or may not have been too immersed in scrutinizing the area when a low grunt was heard, coming from the Second Prince who is serenely leaning on his chair.

The icy charm radiated on him and though it may be dim inside, the candles adorned his chiseled face and his compelling eyes raised a brow.

I merely mustered a wide smile and gradually inched toward his direction.

"How are you feeling, your highness?" I beamed in a delicate voice, genuine courtesy lacing my tone.

"Vexed," He casually answered back, the same coldness dripping from his voice. His focus is back on the articles he has on his desk he did not even lift his gaze again nor acknowledge my presence.

"Same" I whispered with an exaggerated smile, I seem to be already conditioned with his apathetic behavior that I don't even get insulted anymore. "But you have no choice but to comply with whatever I tell you."

This time he lifted his gaze, his impenetrable eyes still devoid of emotion.

"How long since these fevers began?" I took the hint to sit down on a chair across his desk and raised a question. As a poison expert. I, of course, had to interrogate him about his ailment.

"Long ago."

My lips twitched at his answer but still mustered a polite smile afterward. "To help you, your majesty. You have to be specific." I notified him and he simply sighed whilst scanning the articles before him. "Please cooperate with me."

"Fifteen years ago" He casually replied, lifting his gaze. "Poison,"

His answer made me hum and purse my lips. I was expecting a year or two but fifteen years?

That took me aback again.

"How did you survive having those fevers with you for fifteen years?"

"Remedies," He answered coldly and shifted his attention to the articles on his desk again, seriously I was starting to believe that this man loathes almost everything. He can't even muster an entire sentence!

I have nothing to get from this insusceptible man. My glowering face forced out a fake, yet wide smile.

"I'll just get something. I'll be back in no time." In fact I am about to ask his servants about the poison embedded within him. He did not say a word when I walked out and closed the door behind me.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now