xiii. fragments of an artist

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"How are you?"

Seonghwa lounged at his desk, the curtains were opened and streaks of sunlight illuminated the area he sat on.

And with my entrance, his sharp eyes glanced at me as I stepped inside, the scent of incense and candles instantly descended upon my senses.

My gaze trailed at the Prince whose attention is on the articles on his desk. The intimidating air around him was heavy as usual.

The short-tempered man did not respond to my courtesy as his eyes landed on the tray I situated on his table, instead, he eyed it incredolously. "What's that?"

I shot him a crooked grin. "Your breakfast."

And as those words left my mouth, his temples immediately furrowed.

"You have to make sure that the food you eat is prepared by your highly trusted servants or perhaps, me. You would never know if the poison came from the scorpion fifteen years ago or the food you eat every day."

His eyes dimmed at my words and his muscles were visibly tightening. "Are you saying the palace is scheming on me?"

I shrugged as I placed the meal on his table. "Inheritance fights and ill intentions are everywhere. It's better to keep safe, Your Majesty."

He didn't say anything and I know it's because he knows that was true. Every monarchy in this timeframe is nothing but a family full of atrocious schemes planted everywhere.

"You can't dare lay a hand on it." I mischievously stated when I noticed Seonghwa eyeing the milk tea I prepared along with his meal. "Not until you answer my questions without that cold shoulder."

"You dare demand this prince?" He raised a challenging brow, and I crossed my arms, mirroring his gaze.

"So what if I am? I am your wife... and your doctor." I joked, but he didn't seem to take it lightly.

"Our marriage is a display." He spat, I merely laughed at that before I nudged the drink near him.

"I won't be checking up on you for a long time since the plant won't bloom anytime soon." I reminded him, my stance back on being the poison expert I am.

"So in the meantime, when the fever starts to bother you again, you must stay cool at all times. It's also better if you cultivate and engage in physical activities so you stay in good condition. And remember not to rashly venture into dangerous forests. I'll make sure you get cured, and you make sure you take care of yourself," I advised him. He merely grunted in response, seemingly annoyed by my words.

"I am doing alright, so leave," he coldly stated, before averting his attention. I took that as my cue that he was dismissing me.

"Until then," I replied, turning to walk away. However, my steps halted when the view of an unfinished portrait caught my eye.

I paused to drink in every detail of the illustration. It depicted a phoenix rising from the ashes, its fiery feathers beautifully sketched but the canvas was not yet finished. Despite its incomplete state, one look was enough to tell that whoever made this was a phenomenal artist.

"What are you doing?"

I was brought back to reality by the sight of Seonghwa standing there, his gaze now even sharper than before.

"Did you paint this?" I asked, my eyes lingering on the exquisite sketch before me.

"No, I did not-"

"You're a really good painter," I interjected, catching him off guard. His hands were extended in the air, as if he was about to cover up the portrait but halted briefly at my words.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now