xiv. other half

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"She's so lucky, he must love her so much"

"Since when did that cold prince finally open his heart?"

To the nosy people, their conclusion must be that the Second Prince gained favor of me and finally broke down the barrier that separated him from falling in love. But that is nowhere the truth.

I am his doctor in disguise!

I can feel deathly glares and jealous gazes in our direction. To be frank, this prince beside me may have an infamous reputation but that still did not refute the fact that he has a beauty that attracted many. I should have known that I am about to accumulate envy just by being a bride in disguise.

When the wine was served, he poured it into my glass without a word and ushered me with his dark eyes to drink it first.

"Is it good?" Came his emotionless voice after I savored the strong liquor. He meant if it was not poisoned but the people who were peeking at our every movement got the opposite idea, again.

"He even makes sure that she is alright with the wine, such a gentleman." Was one of the faint murmurs I grasped.

I nodded and glanced at him whilst nonchalantly sipping on his wine. Was he even aware of the turmoil we created? He looks like he was either oblivious or didn't care.

Afterward, servants began serving the fruits and desserts. I plucked out a cluster of grapes from the platter before tasting them and offering the Prince beside me.

"Eat this, it's good"

He was aware too when I say good, I was pertaining that it's safe to eat. Unknowingly that became our undercover word rather than bluntly saying 'It's not poisoned'

The evening went on how I expected it to be, the banquet was appetizing and the music was melodious. We continued to nibble on the fruits but not until, I felt the gaze of the King lingering in our seat.

And as expected— he made a comment.

"Is there something wrong with the served fruits that you gave to the Second Prince, Lady in Consort?" The King's voice echoed across the dining hall, and I bashfully hid my face before gazing at the perplexed man beside me.

"No, your Highness, there is nothing wrong with the food." Was my meek retort.  "Ever since my marriage with Prince Seonghwa bloomed into a fortuitous love, we decided to share our lives. Whatever he eats, Is what I eat because that depicts our oath of sharing everything as we share the same life and love together. Prince Seonghwa is this Lady in Consort's other half as I am also his."

Seonghwa slowly tilted his head to face me, an incredulous look tainting his face whilst I hid my face using my hands. Seemingly blushing when in fact I was holding my laughter.

If the Prince were drinking wine at the moment, he would've spat it in my face. Neither I could believe what came out of my mouth either. It was outrageous!

The King laughed out loud at my remark and nodded. "Good, good. This King is beyond delightful that my second son has finally found his other half. I am expecting a grandchild soon!" He cheerfully lifted his toast.

This time, If I were drinking wine at the moment I would've spat it out.

A child?!

A child is the last thing I ever wished for, needless to say. We are going to separate ways after eight months! Don't tell me that I would have to keep up with the pressure of bearing an offspring throughout as well?

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