vengeful schemes

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The sunlight cracked from the windows and shone in my face.

I instantly felt the unfamiliar mattress underneath my body. Shifting uncomfortably, my eyes slowly blinked open and forced myself to adjust through my blinding vision.

As my view became clear and finally seen through the face in front of me in the bed, my eyes widened in utter shock. The same serene face of the Second Prince was right in front of me, asleep, but that didn't matter.

I fell asleep whilst embracing him!

As realization dawned on me, panic finally settled. I thought of any possible situations to detangle my arms around his shoulders without waking him up.

Would it be doing it at the speed of light, running out of the palace and never returning? What would he do if he knew he fell asleep in my arms? He would probably overthrow me into a pulp despite my intentions being the opposite.

Slowly yet surely I started moving my arms, careful enough that I wouldn't wake up the Prince sleeping beside me but I instantly shut my eyes in fear when he started grunting slightly.

Is this the peak of my downfall?

The earth's axis seemed to cease as I shut my eyes tight when silence fell after. Deliberately peeking an eye open, I released a loud gasp when the face of the Prince, awake, came into my very view.

I was not even given a chance to discern my emotions when other turmoil piled up into my sanity when he opened his mouth.

"You violated this Prince, didn't you?"

Such accusation! I mused to myself. The Prince's musky yet delicate fume overwhelmed my senses as his figure was merely inches away from my body, his eyes were like a cutlass, seeming as if cutting through me.

"Listen, Your Majesty, please don't fall into such accusations!" I instantly shrieked when he was about to grab me by the wrist, assuming that he was finally getting rid of me. But I had to clear up this utter misunderstanding, no matter at what cost.

He then faced me and raised a brow, I took this chance to keep going. "Yesterday night, your fever started off being an ordinary one. But soon it became seething, that's when I realized your fever from the poison arrived."

"And that's why you embraced me?" He deadpanned with a glare.

"Yes," I bit my lower lip in shame. I was caught dead in the eye because of my fright and exhaustion, now I have to make sure I won't lose my face in front of him. "My body was too cold to help you cool down after giving you the vial. You could've died from a heat stroke."

He squinted his gaze at me and I simply looked back at him with a face that screamed; I did nothing wrong, I just wanted to save you.

He extended his arms and grabbed my palms harshly, clenching it tight and feeling through the coldness of my body. He then shot me a questioning glare after confirming that my body was indeed cold as what I had said.

"I am tainted with poison that naturally made my body cold." I answered despite him not asking, for his eyes were already enough for me to know he wanted an explanation.

"You're a poison expert." He stated the obvious.

"That's why I am a poison expert." I harshly pulled my palms away from his hands, my voice intensifying. "Just like how a person can turn into a detective because they're searching for a missing family member, I turned into one in hopes of curing myself."

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